

The Virtue of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Holy Occurrences

Reposted from “The Treasure Book H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III”  p.139-151


       In the course of benefiting living beings in this world, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has unintentionally revealed His state of virtue and realization. This has truly enabled us to widen our knowledge of the realization, great compassion, enlightenment, and most magnificent conduct of a Buddha. Holy phenomena can be seen wherever Dorje Chang Buddha III goes. Such phenomena appear when His Holiness conducts initiations for and transmits dharma to eminent monastics, rinpoches, dharma kings, or even famous Bodhisattvas. Such phenomena also appear when His Holiness gives discourses on the dharma to His disciples or when His Holiness blesses living beings to increase their good fortune and wisdom.

        Examples of such holy phenomena include the following. Both humans and non-humans have prostrated to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and have listened to His Holiness’s discourses on the dharma. Sentient beings, non-sentient things, birds, aquatic animals, land animals, flowers, grass, trees, tiles, and stones have all expressed respect for His Holiness’s dharma discourses either verbally or through physical actions. His Holiness taught a disciple how to transmit dharma on His behalf. When the person who was transmitted dharma by that disciple passed away, that person’s body emitted light. Thunder rumbled in the sky in reaction to the voice of His Holiness. Under instructions from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, Amitabha Buddha escorted people to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss to visit there before they passed away. After one of them returned from his visit, His Holiness set a time for him to pass on to that Pure Land. Also under the instructions of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, someone who was already being escorted to the Western Paradise returned to the human realm.

        There are truly so many examples of such holy phenomena that it is impossible to relate each of them in this one book. Thus, other than the individual examples contained elsewhere in this book, we have separately listed in this category 108 short descriptions of different holy occurrences. The auspicious number 108 represents the amount of beads in a Buddhist rosary. The listing of these holy occurrences was done to bless all good Buddhists and bring happiness to living beings. The specific times, places, people, and other details relating to each of these 108 holy occurrences will be published in the book Records of Holy Occurrences.

Whenever H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III performs the nectar initiation
And transmits the highest Xian Liang Great Perfection Dharma
The recipient does not need to engage in gradual practice
The dharma realm appears to such person instantly day and night
Visible to him or her, with eyes open or closed

How can merely leaving footprints on rocks compare to
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s freeing the vines from impermanence

For fifteen years a disciple practiced daily the Great Perfection Dharma transmitted by Dharma King Phunstok
The power of the Torga never manifested itself
Yet, upon H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s transmission
It immediately emitted its power

Holy virtuous beings left footprints on stone
Yet, no one can contain mist in a rock
Holding mist in a rock for eternity, publicly displayed
Only the ancient Buddha is capable of such a deed

A downpour of rain trapped the car in thick fog
Slippery road and steep slope posed mounting danger
Dharma protecting deities suddenly appeared to stand guard
And Vajra Dharma Wheels covered the windows

A plum branch broken off from the tree
Lay on the stone for over five months
After encountering H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s dharma discourses
Overnight, the plum branch bore two fresh blossoms

As Geshe noted in the preface to his Great Stages of the Path
The dharma protecting deities appeared
In response to the order of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

Vascular infection rotted the flesh till the bones were visible
Yet complete recovery took only three days
How could such an astonishing thing witnessed by many people happen in this world?

Boiling water accidentally scalded to death 20-odd ants
Yet, in a snap of the fingers they all recovered–
Even the one with a broken belly

A piece of flesh accidentally cut off by a knife dropped to the floor
Everyone saw the blood flooding and staining the clothes
They all shouted with fear
Yet over mealtime,
The skin and flesh grew back without a trace

An adviser to the President was in good health
Ignoring the warning of the Buddha, he put his life in danger’s way
The Buddha Master announced that in six months he would die
Sure enough, when the time came, cancer took his life

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III predicted the approaching race car would flip
Four seconds later, it spiraled 30 or so feet into the air
Plummeting head first, like a tree trunk thrust into the earth
With a snap of His Holiness’s fingers
The driver walked away unharmed even though the car was wrecked
This happened in front of more than twenty witnesses

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III transmitted the same dharma to four disciples
Yet the two pairs learned different mantras
Two participants, Mingjuan and Xinli, were astonished to learn this fact
How could the child’s trick of duplicating one’s body compare to such powers

A wicked woman abused H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III with terrible imprecations
His Holiness warned her of the unavoidable karmic consequences
A minute later, she ran into her husband and attacked him
Failing to recognize the crazed woman, he beat her and tossed her into a muddy ditch

An evil ghost came to the Hyatt Hotel for revenge
It seized a disciple by the throat
The bystanders screamed with terror
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III formed a hand mudra and the ghost fled

Blessed by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
In three days, the disciple’s malignant brain tumor turned into clear water

Blessed with a nectar pill
Disciple Guangdong’s late-stage nose cancer vanished without a trace
Hundreds of people learned of this
And spread the news of this holy occurrence

Chairman Wu of the International Boxing Association
Witnessed predictions that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III wrote for that day
Everything took place exactly in the way and time predicted
Witnesses signed an affidavit to attest to the accuracy of these results

Just before the beginning of the presidential election in Taiwan
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III announced the victor’s name in writing
The next day, after the ballots were counted,
His Holiness said that even though he had been elected president, disasters awaited him

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III opened the crown chakra for a disciple in just three minutes

A turtle joined human disciples at the manadala
And together they took refuge in H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

As a group of disciples surrounded the mandala
Heavenly beings completed a painting without human intervention

Three dakinis came to offer H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III buttered tea
Yet, as the day dawned, no sign of anyone’s arrival could be seen

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III caused the sun and the moon to appear so close together that a photograph taken at the Second Palace of the
Potala showed them shining side by side
No such scene had ever appeared before

When H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III came to bless Xinjiang’s Heavenly Lake, a cloud formed at every footstep

The nine-ring-tailed fox is harmful to human beings
Yet, it tamely took refuge in H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

In the Zhaoqing district of Guangdong, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III subdued a monstrous turtle possessing evil powers

A stroke paralyzed one of the hands of the Buddhist nun Guanghui
With a single pointing of the flinger, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III instantly cured her

After nine rounds of repartee with H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
A squirrel danced and circled in a whirl of excitement, shaking the whole tree

Four species of Osmanthus blossom in four different seasons
Yet all blossomed within a single day
To celebrate the descent into the world of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

One day in September, a withered willow tree suddenly sprouted new leaves
To offer felicitations on the descent into the world
Of the teacher of heavenly beings and humans

In the Gobi Desert, tornadoes pulled trees and rocks into the sky
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III aimed a finger at the black fog
The demon king fled until it vanished into the void

In Phoenix, dharma protecting deities came to welcome H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
At the gate of a restaurant, bougainvillea and roses twisted and spun
For fifteen minutes or so
Just as H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III climbed into the car
The flowers blew across the sky and showered the car

A fierce tortoise bit Xiaoluo’s hand
Retreating into its shell, it chewed the hand with relish
With a single sharp word from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, the
tortoise quickly released the hand
After that the tortoise never dared to bite Xiaoluo’s hand

A flood enveloped an apartment building
All of the households floated on a tide of water
The pounding waves surged up to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s door
But they were powerless to flow through the one-inch gap under the door

One year, as H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III resided in a temple
Flood waters surged waist high
Turning streets into rivers of rushing water
But the waters halted at the temple gate
Nobody knew the reason why
Mystery piled upon mystery

During the dharma assembly on the evening of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s birthday
Buddha light appeared around the moon
And the moon transformed itself into the shape of a lotus

A female ghost came to take refuge in H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Terrifying the surrounding crowd

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III enlarged the building foundation under construction
The permit drawings changed by themselves accordingly

They all listened to the tape
Yet when H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III snapped his fingers, the recording on the tape vanished

When H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III visited Sisters Lake
The dragon deity came out to receive His Holiness

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III fully apprehended the hidden treasures even though the rinpoche had not revealed them

Many times H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III knew in advance what would befall the disciples

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s monk disciple named Yongding
Went to a heavenly realm to negotiate weather conditions with the Jade Emperor
And foretold the weather for the next three months
No matter whether rain or dew or sun, the forecasts were accurate to the minute

Once, disciple Helou moved without fear among swarms of terrifying yellow jackets
The next time, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III warned that although there were only a few, they would harm him
Helou ignored the warning, and the yellow jackets stung him unmercifully

The ghost of a woman who hanged herself appeared
Among the crowd to listen to the dharma discourses
People were terrified to realize that she was a ghost, but she did not hurt anyone
She only came to take refuge in H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

Miracles occurred at the opening of the Master Museum
A thunder storm swept clean the great hall
Nine dragons stood guard to welcome
Sakyamuni Buddha arrived
With a golden garuda larger than an airplane
And the dragons revealed their original forms

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III instructed a disciple to go to the store and buy a blank tape
As predicted, it displayed holy images

A signed letter of authorization floated down from above
When people compared it to the version they were drafting
They found the two identical word for word

A big fire burned through the Luohu Hotel
Propane gas containers could not be moved
Steel tanks burned as red as peaches
Yet not even one exploded

In the mandala, a colorful cloud descended
It remained still, suspended in the hall

As disciples listened to the discourses at the mandala on Zhubao Street
Kuan Yin Bodhisattva appeared in the clouds

As soon as Venerable Henghsing Gyatso Rinpoche was granted permission to receive a dharma image of the Holiest Tathagata Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu
Those assembled saw on the rinpoche’s head a Buddha light
Above the light some saw an image of Dorje Chang Buddha a few dozen feet high

A man at the airport lost his ticket
In despair, he searched frantically
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III pointed at a garden
Where the ticket returned to his pocket

A man named Liao had been lame for over twenty years
A slight tug from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III cured him instantly

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III predicted that a disciple
Would suffer a stroke in a month or two
He was afflicted just as predicted and fell to the floor
The others surged forward to hear instructions from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
The disciple recovered immediately

A rinpoche disciple had one long leg and one short leg
Upon a blessing from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
The two legs became the same length

A fire broke out behind the building on Xinhua West Street
Fierce flames shot to the sky, and buildings collapsed
A disciple from Hong Kong implored H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to help quickly
The disciple spat a mouthful of dharma water, quenching the fire

A farmer caught an eel and cast it up toward a concrete platform
Upon seeing this, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III pointed to the eel in the air
Following the motion of the finger, the eel flipped back into the water

Disciple Hanfeng begged H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
To rid him of his karmic obstacles
He slapped his palm on a piece of paper
At once, the head of a devil appeared on the sheet
Along with all his shameful deeds

On the last day of the Lunar Year
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III performed the cleansing ceremony for the mandala
Firecrackers exploded all around without incident
Outside the building, mounds of singed firecracker paper exceeded four inches
Within the courtyard, not a scrap of paper was to be seen

The boundless power of the Vajra Wheel empowerment
Caused the Western rinpoche to shriek in agony

A blessed object possessed limitless power
A disciple applied it to a car with a dead battery
And immediately revived the car

At Xingyuan, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III gave discourses on the Heart Sutra
Kuan Yin Bodhisattva assisted in the discourses and was recorded

When H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III visited Kaihua Temple
The old abbot foresaw the arrival and led the monks to greet His Holiness
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III announced that a dragon deity would emerge from the temple’s famous lotus pond
Less than 15 minutes later, the dragon deity appeared and prostrated itself to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

The Vajra was immensely powerful
It weighed over five thousand kilograms
When it was on the floor, the disciples could not move it at all
But H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III handled it with ease

The hand of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was burned by molten resin
That morning a purple clot marked the fingertip
Yet by noon all traces had disappeared
Leaving the hand as new

A van packed with passengers and goods
Rolled over and over on the highway
The passengers all called out to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
The van and goods were totally destroyed
But no one was harmed

A disciple named Ding Long suffered from severe pain in her tailbone
While listening to the discourses, dharma light radiated from the CD and blessed her
Her illness disappeared instantly

Failing to accept sincerely the teachings of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Zhigen Liao collapsed to his knees at Mount Emei

Part of a toenail of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III flashed away in rays of light
For days, it was nowhere to be seen
Then one day it appeared in a relic box

A disciple named Wang suffered from mid-stage cancer
She burned a peacock tail feather granted to her by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and swallowed the ashes
The next day, she exhaled a miasma of black mist while riding in a car
And her cancer was cured immediately

When H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III gave a dharma discourses at Longju Temple
The tape recorder continued to record even when the power went out

Dozens of light bulbs were burned out for many years
Yet when H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III arrived, they all lit up

A rickety old structure could only bear the weight of two or three
Yet seventy-odd people were able to crowd in
It swayed back and forth, creaking ponderously
When H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III ascended to the Dharma Throne,
The crowd saw only the Buddha form

A large bus departed from Xinfan
On a narrow, one-lane road heading north
When the passengers had recovered from a tremendous peel of thunder
The bus faced south and no one was hurt

An ancient temple greeted H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
The kneeling throng left no passage
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III ascended to the air
Walking over the heads of the throng

When H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III gave a discourse in a tea factory on the Lotus Sutra
Even though it was June, a winter crab apple tree suddenly flowered

Yu Chia’s AC ligament was severed
When H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III touched him, the ligament grew
back together

An evil ant spirit terrified an entire village
The dharma water from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Turned the spirit into an old tree root

The door on the upper floor was closed tight
The hotel staff could not unlock it
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III summoned the dharma protecting deities
But when the door swung open, no one was to be seen

Zewen received a call from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Warning her of an imminent danger from an electric cord
Just a few seconds after these words
The cord shorted and burst into flame

When H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III went to the ancient Donglin Temple
A ray of light emanated from between the brows of the Buddha statue
The Lama hadn’t seen this in 40 years and he was shocked
He gathered everyone to prostrate themselves before H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

A Buddha light accompanied H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s airplane to Yunnan
A video taken from inside the aircraft
Mysteriously captured the image of the entire plane a distance away flying through the Buddha light

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III taught everyone to be compassionate towards the mice
In return, the mice brought candies to the altar to show gratitude

A broken crystal lotus mends
Upon a smile from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

A ferry overturned on the Yangzi River in Wan County
Hundreds of ghosts begged miserably to be relieved
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III immediately practiced the Wusheng Faren Dharma
And all the ghosts ascended on lotus pedestals to the upper realm

When H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III expounded dharma at Xinfan
The factory garden transformed into a sacred mandala

Hale suddenly fell from the summer sky
It piled on the deck over an inch high
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III casually drew a circle with His foot
Within the circle the ice remained unmelted

Rain poured down in buckets
But the windshield wiper was broken and nothing could be done
The disciple prayed to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
And not a drop of rain touched the windshield in front of the driver

Grandma Tang fell to the bathroom floor, dead
People begged H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to save her
And she got right up

Once there was a pious disciple named Miaofeng
As she arose from prostration,
A statue of Shakyamuni Buddha extended its hand,
Instructing her to follow H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Unfortunately, she forgot the Buddha’s order
She gave away the Vajra pill that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III had granted her
Miaofeng died an early death

Kebi and some companions took a tour to Hainan
The car flipped over on the highway
Strangely, everyone slept through the accident
When Kebi shook them, everyone woke up safe

A loach was crushed dead, its intestines bulging out
Upon H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s blessing
It swam away vigorously

A huge snake spirit appeared at Toufu Street
The disciples ran away in fear
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III snapped his fingers and the snake spirit was petrified
Taking humanoid form, it kneeled on the ground and sought refuge in His Holiness

A heavy truck ran over the foot of Guanghua’s daughter,
But the foot was unhurt
It turned out that she had eaten a cake blessed by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
To her, it seemed like a mere nightmare
But the truck’s tire track was imprinted on her sports shoe

A disciple suffered from tinnitus
Doctors and specialists were stumped
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III pointed out a hidden blockage
With this information, the doctors identified the blockage and operated successfully

A fire broke out at a worker’s hut
Even the bicycle and tools burned red
A picture frame burned to ashes, but not the portrait of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III that it contained
Nor did books on dharma discourses catch fire

Anqin wrote an article praising the H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
She lost it in the city where millions passed
From miles away, a rush of wind blew the article back to her

When a bus slammed into a cliff
Shuqiu shot out through the glass
She was thrown against the cliff and landed in a muddy pond
Everyone was shocked and thought she must have died
But after a while, they saw her get to her feet
Mud and blood covered her body and obscured her features
Her mumbling lips recited the Buddha’s name
She was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment
And had four or five broken bones
But with the blessings of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III she recovered without medicine

A car racing through Mount Simian hit a drunken old man,
Then before it could come to a stop, hit him again
His skull cracked against the rod holding the rear view mirror, breaking it in half
Red blood mixed with white brain tissue
The man lay motionless
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III blessed him and the bleeding stopped immediately
Surprisingly, the old man came back to life

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III warned Jianping to be cautious the next day
For a speeding car would take his life
The next day, the disaster indeed befell him
Fortunately, His Holiness’s umbrella saved his life

One of His Holiness’s disciples possessed great supernatural powers
He traveled hundreds of times faster than a car
He even knew the conversations that had taken place within the car
And upbraided Zhongxia for slandering him

Fanxun bought dozens of fish
Intending to fry them and serve them with wine
He strung them from bamboo sticks for three hours
But H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III restored them all to life

The dharma teacher Yongding, a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, possessed true realization
With but a thrust of his palm he subdued a demon in a tree 100 meters away,
Splitting the tree in half

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III told Bingling that within a month
He would be seriously injured in an accident
Indeed, a car hit his bicycle
He was thrown thirty meters and died.
After His Holiness blessed him for seven days, his body recovered

Zigong suffered a heart attack
The hospital pronounced him dead
They removed the oxygen and I.V.
Yet when H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III blessed him with the snap of His fingers
He returned to life
Seeing this, the hospital director took refuge in the Holy One

A group of monks sitting in the temple
Prayed for the nectar to descend
Upon the invitation of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, Aksobhya (Immovable Buddha) arrived
At Aksobhya Buddha’s every step, lotus flowers appeared
Three dharma teachers witnessed this magnificent scene
Other people vied to see that holy scene, causing chaos around the altar

        However, after H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III saw these true accounts of holy occurrences, His Holiness said that they are nonsense and that practitioners should not do such things. His Holiness then immediately gave the following stern discourse:

        After reading the accounts of everyone concerning holy virtue that moves and inspires, I truly feel ashamed. I have no right to obstruct anyone’s freedom of speech. All that I can say is that the various testimonials of everyone praising and honoring me were based on some strange phenomena that appeared as a result of the coincidental coming together of certain causes and conditions. However, everyone has unexpectedly attributed the appearance of such phenomena to my realization. I say that you are totally mistaken in this regard. 

        As one with a heart of humility, I engage in matters of cultivation and expound the dharma of cultivation. I do not advocate the mystical and wondrous phenomena that everyone has described. Such phenomena go against my path of cultivation. Even if I backed down from my position and decided not to oppose such phenomena, I do not have the holy realization to cause their occurrence.

        In the course of life, people by chance encounter mysterious circumstances born of karmic conditions. These circumstances are not worth mentioning or citing as an honor. It seems that everyone has had such an experience. People unintentionally encounter many strange phenomena that transcend reason. Examples of this include mirages, flying saucers, trips to the moon, and so on. Could it be that the people viewing such phenomena always cause such phenomena to appear? 

        For example, a lama gave me three vajra pills. Zhaxi Zhuoma requested two of them. As she held them in her hand, one of them miraculously transformed into colored light and flew away. That miraculous transformation did not take place when that vajra pill was in my hand. She said that the other vajra pill spoke the dharma while it was in a cup. However, I did not hear how it spoke the dharma. If one were to say that special abilities were involved with this, then it was Zhaxi Zhuoma’s abilities. Moreover, a great lama gave me those vajra pills. How could it be said that such events resulted from my abilities? 

        Another example is a dharma teacher disciple of mine who has mastered the Five Thunder Palm. All that my hand can do is hold a pen. 

        Many people saw an image of a Buddha appear over the head of Henghsing Gyatso. That was the result of his merit. How am I qualified to take any credit for that?

        There is also the example involving Dharma Teacher Yongding. Although he was my disciple, his ability to communicate with the heavenly realm resulted from his own cultivation. He predicted the weather for a three-month period. His predictions were written down for all to see to verify on a daily basis the accuracy of each prediction. Not one of his predictions was wrong. Still, that was based on the realization of Yongding. How can I accept the credit for that instead of him? Furthermore, a weather station can also predict the weather! 

        There was also the time when the flood waters on Baoguang Street did not enter the gate of the Baoguang Temple. That occurrence truly had nothing whatsoever to do with me. Think about it. The Baoguang Temple has a King Asoka stupa containing the relics of Sakyamuni Buddha. Could it be that such stupa and its contents do not have the highest merit? 

        All of the short descriptions of occurrences listed above are not due to my merit. There is something else I want to tell everyone. Everyone’s praise of me is truly misplaced. When a certain great Bodhisattva or Buddha assists in the furtherance of karmic conditions or manifests realization powers, I do not say whether that is good or not. In short, I think that even if a certain being of great virtue has such realization powers, that is not the goal of cultivation. What is the use of exhibiting such things? Perhaps this is a manifestation of one’s personal realization powers. However, it cannot be said that exhibiting such things is engaging in cultivation. One must help living beings end the cycle of birth and death. Miracles are of no use. What is of use is teaching living beings about cultivation and about manifestations of the dharma that are required by the dharma. When one has truly attained great accomplishment in the dharma, everything becomes the holy state of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Only such a state is worthy of being called a state of holy realization. 

        I am very ashamed, since I do not have such abilities. Moreover, I am incapable of instantaneously eliminating the karmic forces of living beings who do not cultivate themselves. Thus, I am incapable of turning bad people who do not cultivate themselves into good people. I all the more lack the power to save living beings who do not have karmic affinity with me or the Buddha-dharma. I cannot, therefore, have all living beings on earth be received in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss in the span of one day. With such abilities, how can I be anything other than ashamed? Could it possibly be said that I want to be like those demons and charlatans who claim to be a Buddha?

        Nonetheless, to say that I have no realization would also be false. If I had nothing whatsoever, those holy dharma kings and rinpoches would not have affirmed my identity. I truly possess realization that is like a wondrous gem! That realization has already been put into words in this very book in the form of “What Is Cultivation?” I am ashamed about everything other than cultivation. Because of this sense of shame, I deeply feel that I am not qualified to receive offerings from the seven types of Buddhist disciples. 

        Today I formally announce to the world something that I have repeatedly announced in audio recordings: I thank all good people for their respect toward me and for vowing to make offerings to me. Resolving to make offerings to the Three Jewels is a requirement of the dharma laid down by Sakyamuni Buddha. It is also the karmic condition that connects the Buddhas in the ten directions with living beings. It is something that should be done! However, as far as I am concerned, I will not accept any offerings made to me in the future. I ask everyone for their understanding regarding this matter. There is also no need to worry about me. Relying upon my own labor, I am not only able to support myself, I am also able to help others, provide disaster relief to people, and benefit living beings. Thus, you should offer money, property, or food directly to temples and public organizations in this world that truly benefit people and that uphold correct views of the Buddha-dharma. Although such offerings are not made to me, in reality this is tantamount to making offerings to me. I do not accept offerings.

        We find it unimaginable that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, who is the highest and most magnificent Buddha, has such a humble attitude. His Holiness has provided a model for all living beings to emulate in their cultivation by giving credit to other people for all of His accomplishments. Those accomplishments are based on the supreme and perfect enlightenment of a Buddha. Although His Holiness is the highest Buddha in the dharma realm, when facing living beings He places Himself on the lowest level and maintains a heart of humility. Moreover, His Holiness has openly stated in writing that He will not accept offerings. 

        Perhaps some people will think that this person of holy virtue is quite inferior, that He has no realization, and that He only has a sense of shame. Perhaps those people will therefore think that it would be better to become a disciple under a dharma king or rinpoche who has vast supernatural and profound realization powers. All we can say is that the mentality of such people is indeed incredibly simplistic. If even H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III does not possess Buddha-dharma to enable you to attain complete good fortune and wisdom, accomplishment in the dharma, and liberation, then which dharma king of great holiness has any Buddha-dharma realization to speak of? Even if one is a Buddha, which Buddha surpasses H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III? Who else would dare say that they can conduct a Great Perfection Initiation and transmit Great Perfection Dharma that will enable a disciple to experience and see the rainbow-body dharma realm state the very day that dharma is transmitted? In this entire world, only H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has this supreme and holiest dharma called Xian Liang Great Perfection Dharma. Even Samantabhadra Tathagata is the dharmakaya of Dorje Chang Buddha! From ancient to modern times, what other person of holy virtue has been able to attain the accomplishments contained in this book? Moreover, those accomplishments were randomly selected from only thirty different categories. You must understand that Dorje Chang Buddha is the only primordial Buddha with form in all of Buddhism in the entire dharma realm. There were no Buddhas with form who spoke the dharma before Dorje Chang Buddha. Even Adharma Buddha (Samantabhadra Tathagata) was a dharmakaya Buddha without form or speech. All Buddhas have attained Buddhahood by learning under Dorje Chang Buddha!

To continue reading, please go to page 152 of “The Treasure Book H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III”