

The speeches by Venerable Tsemang and Jiaozun Zhengda at the Dharma Assembly to Celebrate the Holy Birthday of Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III in 2023

1. The Speech by Venerable Rambo Tsemang on June 30, 2023

        Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III!

        Namo Shakyamuni Buddha, the Lord of Buddhism in the Saha World!

        Namo Yuhua Shouzhi Wang, Holy Mother the Great Mahasattva!

        Namo all Buddhas in the ten directions, all Vajra Beings, Bodhisattvas, Sky-goers, and Dharma Protectors!

        Today, all of us Buddhist disciples are gathered here to commemorate the Holy Birthday of Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III and to respectfully honor the first release of the Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection!

       The publication of the Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection is not only a great event of the foremost significance in the sahā world, but it is also a great event of the foremost significance in the entire Dharma realm!

       As we all know, unlike any other Buddha in the Dharma Realm, Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III is not a Buddha who attained Buddhahood in any of the worlds of living beings, but rather, the direct incarnation of the Primordial Sambhogakaya Buddha to this world. The magnificent Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III descended to this sahā world during the Dharma Degenerate Age, imparted to us the supreme, unexcelled, pure, perfect, incisive Buddha Dharma brought directly from the Sambhogakaya Buddha Land for attaining true realization power. Now, in editing and publishing the Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection, not only are we expressing our reminiscence of and gratefulness to Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III, but also, more importantly, innumerable living beings will attain liberation through learning the Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection! It can be said for certain that the “Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection will be the fundamental guide for all Buddhists to attain accomplishment and liberation in the future.

        Three Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection volumes have been released. It is estimated that another two to three will be released later this year. We plan to publish the remaining parts at a rate of approximately five volumes per year.

        Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection comprises the essence of the entire Tripitaka and all Esoteric Scriptures, encompassing precepts, rules, knowledge, views, cultivation, and Dharma practice within the Theravada, Mahayana, and Tantrayana traditions. Whether we are ordinary living beings, arhats, or bodhisattvas, Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III has pointed us to the most direct and speediest way to advance ourselves. Moreover, even if we study just any one of the volumes seriously, putting the teachings into actual practice while at the same time steadfastly focusing on one specific Dharma practice and going in-depth, we will definitely be taken to a state of liberation.

        For example, if we truly learn and practice what the Buddha teaches in the first volume, The Dharma Imparted During the Trip to the East, we will attain liberation within this lifetime. There is no doubt about it.

        In editing and restudying the Sutra, I deeply recognize from experience, as do many Dharma masters and rinpoches, who told me that they regret very much not having learned the teachings with a serious attitude in the past. It is only through the current transcribing and restudying that they have become aware of the many nuances in the teachings, precepts, and truths taught by the Buddha that they previously missed, despite having listened to the audio recordings of the imparted Dharmas many times. Consequently, neither have they committed the teachings to memory nor have they matter-of-factly cultivated themselves. Yet, this time, they recognize the issue. Hence, they have learned a lot and greatly advanced themselves. Therefore, now that the Sutras have become available, everyone can learn more effectively and acquire the correct views.

        Therefore, we must consider a critical issue: Learning the Sutras must be combined with our cultivation practice. We must apply what we learn from the teachings, precepts, knowledge, and views in our cultivation. If we only know the meaning of the truth but do not put it into actual practice, in the end, as the Buddha said, we can only “admire other people’s treasure.” When other people have attained accomplishment and liberation, we will still go through cyclical transmigration.

        At the same time, we should combine studying the Sutras with respectfully listening to the audio recordings of the Dharma imparted by the Buddha if the conditions allow. That will speed up our understanding of the meaning of the Dharma. We will also receive the empowerment of the Buddha. That will enable us to receive two-fold benefits from the Dharma.

        There is an obvious difference between the Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection and the Sutras of Buddha Shakyamuni. The Dharma imparted by Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III is in daily life language, and that is precisely our good fortune. Based on the characteristics of living beings’ root nature, causes, and conditions in the Dharma Degenerate Age, Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III used the kind of language familiar to us in ways that the general public can easily understand, including reasoning, analogies, examples, and explaining the truth both directly and by inverse deductions, enabling everyone to comprehend the profound meaning of Buddha Dharma easily.

        In fact, in the old days, Buddha Shakyamuni also imparted Dharma in daily life language in a descriptive manner. It is just that when compiling the Dharmas into Sutras, the 500 bhikṣus turned the teachings into bookish written text. In addition, when various patriarchs translated the Sutras into Chinese, the language became even more bookish. As a result, some people in the contemporary era are unable to understand the meaning of Buddha Dharma fully and precisely. For this reason, when compiling the Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection, we have especially retained the characteristics of daily life expressions, making it easier for us and future generations to learn and understand.

        The publication of Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection will greatly enable us to learn the Dharma anytime and anywhere conveniently. Not only do we learn it ourselves, but we must also carry forth the spirit of Bodhisattvas to benefit living beings by creating various opportunities and providing conveniences for more people to learn and study the Sutras of Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III and enabling more people to walk the cultivation path to attain liberation. That is our best way to propagate Buddha Dharma and benefit people.

        Today, among us are also many English-speaking Buddhist disciples. They are looking forward to the publication of the English translation of the Sutras. I am here to tell you that the first and second volumes are being translated. The English translation of the second volume, Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Imparts Dharma During a Trip in Response to the Needs of Disciples, will be completed by the end of this year. In addition, the third volume, Imparting the Absolute Truth Through Heart Sutra, has been translated into English by Bodi Wentu Rinpoche. It will be published after the review is done.

        Here, I also want to emphasize that when learning the Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection, except the third volume: Imparting the Absolute Truth through Heart Sutra, anyone absolutely must not convert the full text of any book, the full text of any chapter, or a full paragraph into photos, audio, or video recordings for uploading to the Internet, nor should anyone produce electronic books for distribution. That is to safeguard and better propagate the Sutras of Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III. Suppose anyone wants to write articles about experiencing benefits from reading the Sutras or for the sake of protecting the Dharma. In that case, they may quote several sentences but not an entire paragraph or chapter. Even now, some people have already changed the title of the Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection into something else. Nobody has the right to do such a thing. You must know it will only bring dark karma to yourself. It is strictly forbidden.

        In addition, regarding some important issues that some people have raised recently, I would like to share my personal opinions for everyone’s reference.

        First, Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III teaches Buddhist disciples to be forbearing and to cultivate ourselves with humility. We must always keep this in mind. The sahā world is a “world of five turbidities” in the first place and is filled with all kinds of sufferings. In addition, we have been transmigrating in the six realms and have planted all sorts of dark karmas since beginningless time. Furthermore, looking through the entire Buddhist history, whenever true Dharma exists, evil demons are there to sabotage it. With the publication of the Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection, evil and demonic people will also be certain to wreak havoc. Not to mention during this Dharma Degenerate Age, evil forces are prevalent, and true Buddha Dharma is susceptible to attacks. That’s why it is only normal for some Buddhist disciples to face persecution during this lifetime. It is also the manifestation of our karmic forces.

        As we think further, the magnificent Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III did not forsake living beings. Even during this dark Age of Dharma Degeneration, the Buddha still came to the sahā world to bear living beings’ karma, guide us to learn from Buddha and cultivate ourselves to attain accomplishment and liberation. How magnificent the Buddha is! How could we not be grateful to the utmost?! How could we not follow His Holiness the Buddha’s model and cultivate ourselves?!

        Therefore, when time gets tough, each of us Buddhist disciples must make even more effort to heed the teachings of the Buddha. We cherish Buddha Dharma even more than we cherish our own lives. We must cultivate ourselves and practice forbearance, benefit living beings, benefit society, and benefit the country we live in! I remember I said during the Dharma Assembly honoring the Holy Birthday of the Buddha last year that “as a Buddhist, we are bright and forthright. Living by our honesty and integrity, we are morally upstanding.

        In what way can we be considered a true Buddhist disciple? Every minute of every hour, we must place the foremost importance on the teachings of the Buddha, in the precepts and rules stipulated by the Buddha, and in benefitting living beings. Once we have achieved these three things, regardless of how illusive a form the world may undertake, irrespective of the adversities we may be in, we can always be that strong pillar, that steadfast and unwavering piece of boulder in the middle of the rapids!

        Second, in both the past and the present, the World Buddhism Association Headquarters has always carried out the Buddha’s stipulations faithfully, propagating Dharma to benefit living beings. However, there are also rare exceptions of individuals who did not learn the teachings of the Buddha with a serious attitude and, out of self-interest, became hateful and filled with self-attachment. By slandering the Headquarters and Holy Gurus, they have become evil persons. Even worse, a few individuals have turned to the wrong path even after receiving holy Dharma personally transmitted by the Buddha. These people are deplorable. If they still do not repent, bad retributions are before them. Being Buddhist disciples, we should first reproach and educate these evil people. If we cannot teach and reform them ourselves, we must stay away from these bad people completely.

        Third, During the Dharma Assembly last year, I said that a Magnificently Great Holy Guru has consented to transmit Dharma to eligible cultivators. As a result, many people have called and written letters to request Dharma. Requesting Dharma is a good thing, and a Magnificently Great Holy Guru, being the most magnificent Mahasattva, does not speak falsely. However, everyone must remember that the Magnificently Great Holy Guru follows the precepts and rules stipulated by the Buddha. Therefore, we must first cultivate our conduct well. If our cultivation is not up to standard, the Magnificently Great Holy Guru can’t perform initiation and transmit Dharma to us.

        As Buddhist disciples, we must remember this: Our goal is to attain liberation from cyclical birth and death. Our conduct should be selfless and altruistic. To achieve all these, we must follow the teachings of the Buddha. Therefore, wherever we are, we must always be as devout to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and as sincerely respectful to Buddha Dharma as the day we first started learning from Buddha. We must listen to the audio recordings of the Dharmas imparted by Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III seriously and with reverence and study the Sutras of Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III to acquire the correct knowledge, maintain the right views, and uphold both our cultivation and Dharma practice.

        I wish everyone attending this Dharma Assembly will have their beneficent wishes fulfilled, increase both good fortune and wisdom, and attain great accomplishment and liberation! I hope all countries are prosperous and strong, all people are safe and joyful, the world has peace, and all living beings enjoy auspiciousness!

        Finally, let us once again prostrate ourselves:

        Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III!

        Namo Shakyamuni Buddha!

        Namo Yuhua Shouzhi Wang, Holy Mother the Great Mahasattva!

        Namo all Buddhas in the ten directions, all Vajra Beings, Bodhisattvas, Sky-goers, and Dharma Protectors!

2. The Speech by Jiaozun Zhengda on July 1, 2023

        Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III, Namo Yuhua Shouzhi Wang Holy Mother the Great Mahasattva

        Namo All Buddhas in the ten directions, Vajra Beings, Bodhisattva Mahasattvas, Holy Dharma Protectors in the sky

        Today, on the eve of the Holy Birthday of our magnificent and compassionate Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III, elders from various temples, virtuous elders, respectable guests, seven types of Buddhist disciples, and kind-hearted believers from all over the world are gathered here at this solemn and dignified Dharma Assembly to honor the Holy Birthday of Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III. Over the past year or so, all of us, without exception, are infinitely grateful to Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III and Namo Yuhua Shouzhi Wang Holy Mother the Great Mahasattva.. We deeply reminisce the teachings, care, love, and protection bestowed upon us by the magnificent and compassionate Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III and Namo Yuhua Shouzhi Wang Holy Mother the Great Mahasattva. In particular, during this solemn and grand Dharma Assembly honoring the Holy Birthday of Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III, not only do we miss the magnificently compassionate Buddha, our beneficent Buddha Master, and Holy Mother the Great Mahasattva, we are also especially grateful. At the same time, we are going to be more stringent in reflecting upon our own doings, and piously, we repent of all our sins due to ignorance since beginningless time. We are unwavering in sincerely beseeching the beneficent Buddha Master and Holy Mother the Great Mahasattva to return to the sahā world soon, to save all of us sinful disciples and all living beings who are suffering.

        Yesterday, we solemnly conducted the grand Dharma Assembly here to respectfully honor the “Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection,” and officially released the “Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection.” This Complete Sutra Collection is absolutely the supreme and unexcelled Dharma treasure and true Tathagata Dharma that can absolutely bring perfect auspiciousness to infinite living beings. We are both moved and grateful that the magnificent and compassionate Buddha, our beneficent Buddha Master, descended to the sahā world during this Dharma Degenerate Age, bringing to us the true, incisive, pure, and supremely holy Buddha Dharma. Furthermore, it was with infinite empathy and wisdom that the Buddha used contemporary language to clearly and incisively explicate all kinds of questions encountered by people in transcendental Dharma and worldly dharma. The Dharma imparted by the Buddha is truly the holy cause that enables living beings to enter the correct path and quickly attain enlightenment.

        After having respectfully received the Dharma treasure of this Complete Sutra Collection, everyone must sincerely read it infinite times with reverence. In addition, combine your reading with listening to the audio recordings of the corresponding Dharmas imparted by the beneficent Buddha Master with respectfully and piously, understand the meaning of the Sutra, thoroughly learn the truth of the Dharma, practice cultivation in accordance with Dharma, and strictly abide by the precepts and Dharma rules. Then, your karmic forces will naturally be far away from you, your good fortune and wisdom will increase, and you will attain realization of the truth about human life and the universe, attain accomplishment, and attain liberation from cyclical birth and death. Furthermore, among the seven types of Buddhist disciples, all of us should propagate this perfect and complete Sutra Collection, so that more living beings may have the opportunity to learn the supreme and perfect Buddha Dharma and attain accomplishment and liberation.

        In the past year or so, I, Zhengda, have seen that among the seven types of Buddhist disciples, many have become increasingly pious and sincere in following the teachings of Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III, our beneficent Buddha Master, by not doing any bad deeds and doing all kinds of good deeds. They are making their best effort to matter-of-factly help living beings, benefit living beings, compassionately care for and protect living beings on a long term basis, conducting all kinds of life-releases, devoutly listening to the audio recordings of Dharmas imparted by our beneficent Buddha Master, respectfully reading the Sutras, actively and fearlessly protecting the Dharma, understanding and believing in causality, cultivating and correcting their own conduct, as well as truly upholding, protecting, and propagating the true Buddha Dharma of Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III and Namo Buddha Shakyamuni. They have indeed enabled more living beings to learn and practice the perfect Buddha Dharma personally passed down by Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III. Hence, they have increased their good fortune and wisdom, and established actual merit corresponding to their effort. As long as everyone remains fearlessly diligent, there is no need to worry about not being able to attain liberation and accomplishment, as that won’t be a problem at all. It is the wish of Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III, our beneficent Buddha Master, and the wish of all Buddhas in the ten directions that all living beings attain liberation and be blissful.

        Finally, I wish that everything will go very well for everyone, and for you to always strive, be blessed, and be happy, attain perfect good fortune and wisdom, and soon attain enlightenment. I wish that all countries in the world will flourish, have prosperity and abundant harvest, that the world will be peaceful, and all living beings have auspiciousness and joy.

3. The Speech by Venerable Rambo Tsemang on July 1, 2023

        Originally, I had no plan to speak on today’s program. However, this morning, Jiaozun Zhengda wished me to give you a few more words of encouragement at the end of the Dharma Assembly.

        I told Jiaozun Zhengda, “I am not qualified to encourage people. It is the Buddha’s teaching that encourages people.” So, I wasn’t prepared. But the master of the ceremony just made the announcement now. Under such circumstances, I will make two points, which I offer as my own thoughts and hopefully a mutual encouragement with all of you.

       What is the first point? Let me start with two true public Buddhist stories. The first is that many of us know of a holy person in Sichuan called Brother Luo Yunlong. We used to call him Brother Yunzi. Our Buddha Master told this story in one of the Dharma discourses. At that time, His Holiness the Buddha Master was in a car from Chengdu to Dayi and ran into him halfway, who was walking alone towards Chengdu. However, when the Buddha Master arrived at Jinghuishan Park in Dayi, Brother Luo Yunlong had been waiting there for a long time, and the pot of tea he was drinking while waiting was refilled with water so many times that it had completely become flavorless.

       After he manifested this magical feat, many people, including Xirao Gendeng, Wen Zhongxia, etc., were shocked!

       So, what was the causal origination of this Holy man, Luo Yunlong? It involved his previous life. At that time, Brother Luo Yunlong was a disciple of Namo Shakyamuni Buddha. One day he fell ill. Since Shakya the World Honored One was very busy, He asked the Holy Venerable Vimalakirti, namely, our magnificent Buddha Master, to treat and cure him.

       Buddha Master answered, “Yes, no problem.”

       When Buddha Master went to treat him the next day, He found out that Brother Luo Yunlong, not the one in this life, had already passed away the night before! So, Buddha Master let him return to the Saha world in this life so that Buddha Master could teach him because his link of dependent origination was in the Saha world. Therefore, he met Buddha Master very early in this life. Consequently, the Buddha Master transmitted the Dharma to him, and he achieved liberation.

       The second story is that I just recognized a brother in the line of offering presenters today. He is Rinpoche Gongjue from Germany. He videotaped his experience, which many of you may have watched online. In his testimony, he stated that Buddha Master came to his altar in person and reminded him of the promise the Buddha Master had made to bestow him the inner tantric initiation. Whether he witnessed the phenomena in a holy state or Buddha Master came to his altar, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that Buddha never makes false statements and will deliver whatever was promised! Moreover, his own Yidam, the Green Tara, also personally confirmed this.

       Okay, why do I tell these two stories? I’d like you to know that the Buddha never makes false statements and will fulfill anything He promised. Therefore, Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III has imparted so many Dharma discourses to this world, explaining the truth of life and the universe and pointing out the path of liberation for all sentient beings. They are the absolute and definite truth! We have now transcribed the audio dharma recordings into texts and published the Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III Complete Sutra Collection. That is to tell everyone that if you study the Buddha’s sutra collection, practice according to the Buddha’s teachings, and practice the Dharma, you will definitely achieve liberation! There is no doubt about it!

       On the other hand, there are already 7.8 billion people today. That is, there are more than 7.8 billion human beings in this world. According to the United Nations, the number of Buddhists is about 360 million, or 600 million, according to other sources. It doesn’t matter. What is important is to ask this: how many Buddhists have actually learned the authentic Buddha Dharma?

       Therefore, we should feel very fortunate. It is not an ordinary “we should feel fortunate” concept. Everyone should fully understand how difficult it is to meet the Buddha, the great Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III, in this lifetime! If you have read the Dirgha Agama Sutra of Namo Buddha Shakyamuni, you already learned how many disciples each Buddha has when He comes to this world. You can read the sutra and find out yourself.

       Therefore, to meet His Holiness the Buddha, it must have taken you umpteen lifetimes of cultivation to accumulate such merit and fortunate retributions. We must take advantage of this good cause and condition to follow the Buddha’s teachings truthfully and substantively practice cultivation and Dharma, and attain liberation. That is my first point.

       Second, I, our office, and the World Buddhism Association Organization have received some letters and emails. Some were critical of us, including me, and some were complaints. Today, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that I humbly and sincerely accept all your criticisms. I speak substantively, and I do not make any false statements.

       At the same time, I wish to tell you that each of us has our habitual traits, which are influenced by our different learning and growing environments and karmic habits from the past. For example, some people like to go faster and others slower; some like things this way and others that way. Due to different points of view, it has caused misunderstandings and conflicts and resulted in complaints. So, as I have acknowledged, I humbly accept your criticism while, at the same time, I ask you to be tolerant and understanding. Including me, we are followers to learn from the Buddha.

       We all have different habits and temperaments. We are still progressing in the process of cultivation. It is in this process that we can improve and grow.

       But overall, we, including me, my colleagues in the office, and the entire World Buddhism Associations Headquarters staff, are all dedicated to serving everyone. We have no bad intentions. That is beyond question. Let me use this Dharma Assembly as an example. You can see how many staff and volunteers are working. They started organizing and preparing for the event very early on and quickly decided to rent this venue in a very short period. They have dedicated so much time and effort, but for what? It is for us to have a perfect Dharma assembly. It is for us to study the Buddha’s sutra and the Buddha’s Dharma discourses more easily.

       So, in a word, if you have any complaints or suggestions, you can write to us, and we will improve. We will do our best to serve you, the Buddhist disciples, and all living beings. We are all following the Buddha. We are all progressing in learning from Buddha and cultivating ourselves. Some of us are faster and some slower; some are in the front and some in the back. But no matter what, let us all support, promote and encourage one another, shall we? Then, in this life, let’s strive for everyone to reach the Buddha’s kingdom of attainment and liberation and not repeat the samsara anymore! That’s what I want to say.

       I am very sorry that my speech is only in Chinse now. Later, those of you who speak English, please translate my remarks for the English-speaking people. Since there is no manuscript, one solution is to get the video recording and translate it based on the recording. Whether you speak Chinese, English, or Spanish, you are all brothers and sisters and all good disciples of the Buddha! You are all practitioners who will eventually become liberated holy beings! Okay?

       (All: Yes!)

       Last, we wish all Buddhist disciples who have attended this Dharma assembly, all those who have missed this Dharma assembly, and all those who have yet to start to learn Buddhism good fortune and fulfillment. We hope that every one of you will become a pillar of your community and your location after returning home, just like what the Buddha asked us to do, okay?

       (All: Yes!)

       Thank you all, thank you!