

Related Content: Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform

What is meant by Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform?

        Vajra pestles are commonly found in shops selling cultural relics and antiques. These pestles range from 10 to 400 jins, equivalent to approximately 11 to 440 pounds. This kind of huge pestle is from Tibet; they are called Platform Pestles. They come in different styles such as the Phurba Pestle, Five-pronged Pestle, Nine-pronged Pestle, Kalachakra Vajra Pestle, Yamataka Vajra Pestle, Guhyasamâja Vajra Pestle, and more. Some Platform Pestles were made during the Era of Sutra, Illusion, and Mind at the Early Propagation Period. Some Platform Pestles of correct standard were made based on the system revamped by Guru Padmasambhava during the Later Propagation Period. People commonly regard these as art objects. Rarely do people know that the pestles were in fact used for directly testing practitioners’ realization power from practicing true or false Buddha Dharma in ancient time. Those who were tested were required to lift the vajra pestle off the ground, hold it for a required duration of time and then place the pestle onto the platform. This kind of test is called Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform.

        Proven by real practice, using one hand to lift a Platform Pestle is extremely difficult. Someone who can lift 1,000 jins (approximately 1,100 pounds) with two hands cannot even lift 300 jins (approximately 330 pounds) off the ground with one hand. According to the Dharma rules, each person has a weight standard that they have to reach based on their respective age and body weight. One who reaches their standard is called a Healthy Physique Man. Exceeding the level of Healthy Physique Man is surpassing the standard. Going below the level of Healthy Physique Man is subpar. There are a total of 30 levels above, and five levels below.

        Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform is the most scientific testing mechanism for verifying whether a person is of ordinary physical condition or possesses the composition of a holy person. The physical composition and condition of a holy person is completely different from that of an ordinary person. Both have the appearance of a person. However, their inner properties are completely different. Just like a pigeon and an eagle. They have the same appearance of a bird, but their inner properties and their strength are vastly different. Such differences naturally exist. A professional strong man trains himself every day, and only after 10 or up to 20 years is he able to become a strong man of exceptionally strong physique. However, his physique is strengthened due to cumulative practices. The essential quality of his physique has not changed. He is unable to transform the physique or functions of an ordinary person and cannot become liberated from the ordinary to become holy. A holy one who has learned and practiced true Buddha Dharma can surpass the physical condition and strength of a strong man of great strength by many times.

        One who surpasses their weight standard by 12 to 19 levels is an elementary level Holy Guru, by 20 to 25 levels is a mid-level Holy Guru and surpassing 26 to 29 levels is a Great Holy Guru. When one surpasses the maximum level of 30, one is a Tremendously Great Holy Guru and a Vajra King of Great Strength. Normally, it is very difficult for an ordinary man of good strength to surpass two to three levels. A national level strong man can surpass up to nine levels. A world-class strong man can surpass 10 levels, but not beyond that. The holy strength generated by the body of a holy person is absolutely not something anyone with the physique of an ordinary person can hope to attain. This is especially true for lifting the Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle “Onto the Golden Step,” or “Off the Holy Seat.” Lifting the weight of such a level will cause the bones, tendons, and muscles of an ordinary person to break down and their joints to break apart. One must have the physique and strength of a Tremendously Great Holy Guru in order to lift the Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle. We have personally seen the strongest man in Asia Long Wu perform Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform. Although he broke his fingers and bled while doing so, he did eventually surpass 10 levels and was awarded the golden belt of Grand Master of Strength, World’s Strongest Man for Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform. That was terrific. Read More…

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