

Reversing Old-Age to Return to Youth

Reversing Old-Age to Return to Youth Reposted from “Learning From Buddha” p.v-ix Please see the further explanation of these two contrasting photos of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III starting on the next page. Explanation by United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters         The blue text below is a complete transcript of the […]

(US$20 Million Award) Statement on a Pledge to Give an Award

(US$20 Million Award) Statement on a Pledge to Give an Award March 27, 2020USA Today         A Dharma Assembly for the “Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform” to assess realization power of Buddhist practitioners was held in the Grand Hall of Shakyamuni Buddha at the Holy Miracles Temples on February 9, 2020. […]

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III         H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the only Buddha in our world who has been formally recognized as a Buddha according to Buddhist rules. His Holiness the Buddha is also the first one of tremendous holiness in history who has manifested real […]

Layman Wang Ling-Ze and Laywoman Wang Cheng E-Feng

Layman Wang Ling-Ze and Laywoman Wang Cheng E-Feng Some Who Attained Great Accomplishments LAYWOMAN WANG CHENG E-FEN AND HER HUSBAND, LAYMAN WANG LING-ZE, LEARNED THE TRUE BUDDHA DHARMA AND REALIZED GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT This is the text of an article published in the Asian Journal on Jul. 21, 2004.Note: In the article below, the titles of […]

Buddhist disciple Zhao Yusheng

Buddhist disciple Zhao Yusheng Some Who Attained Great Accomplishments         Layman Zhao Yusheng is a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. He had terminal illness, but he repented his black karma sincerely and completely. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha performed an Inner-tantric Initiation for him, in which he was received by the […]

Dharma Master Yongding

Dharma Master Yongding Some Who Attained Great Accomplishments Venerable Dharma Teacher Yongding         Dharma Teacher Yongding was a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III who His Holiness personally taught. His meritorious actions were outstanding, and his realization was extraordinary. He conducted himself as the ancient virtuous monks did. Dharma Teacher Yongding […]

Dharma Master Wuming

Dharma Master Wuming Some Who Attained Great Accomplishments Elder Master Wuming         Venerable Elder Monk Wuming is a spiritual leader of the exoteric Buddhism, and a formal honorary chairman of the China Buddhist Sangha Council in Taiwan. He personally experienced and witnessed H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III inviting Buddhas to bestow from […]

World Peace Prize Awarded at the U.S. Capitol Today

World Peace Prize Awarded at the U.S. Capitol Today June 14, 2011 PR Newswire         WASHINGTON — The World Peace Prize Ceremony is being held in the Gold Room of the Capitol of the United States today. The award presentation honors Top Honor Prize recipients H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Hon. Benjamin A. Gilman; […]

Dharma King Gar Tongstan IV

Dharma King Gar Tongstan IV Some Who Attained Great Accomplishments Dharma King Gar Tongstan Ciren Gyatso         Dharma King Gar Tongstan IV Ciren Gyatso is a faithful disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. He had realized true emptiness and accomplished the holy state to control His own death and rebirth. He […]


Announcement The Explanation of the Buddha’s Title – “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III”         On April 3, 2008, a solemn and dignified first-publishing ceremony of a fact-recording book entitled H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, which published jointly by the World Buddhism Publishing LLC and the World Dharma Voice, Inc., was held at […]

Statement of Apology Regarding a Report about H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

Statement of Apology Regarding a Report about H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III July 6, 2015World Journal         On April 21 of this year, a news report about H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was published on the “Southern California News” page of the San Francisco edition of World Journal. The article was translated […]


THE FIRST SEMINAR FOR ACARYAS AND MASTERS OF DHARMA-LISTENING SESSIONS TOOK PLACE IN HONG KONG July 23, 2010International Buddhism Sangha Association The Seminar Was Held by the International Buddhism Sangha AssociationRepresentatives of More Than 1,500 Buddhist Organizations Attended Acaryas and Masters of Dharma-Listening Sessions from more than 1,500 Buddhist temples and organizations attended the seminar […]

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Day​

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Day January 28, 2011Asian Journal         On January 19, 2011, Mayor Vincent C. Gray, the mayor of our nation’s capital Washington, DC, personally signed and issued a proclamation in which January 19, 2011 was proclaimed as His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III Day.         […]

Kaichu Jiaozun

Kaichu Jiaozun Some Who Attained Great Accomplishments H.E. Kaichu Rinpoche         Kaichu Jiaozun is a very loyal disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s. He cultivates himself with a pure heart in accordance with the Dharma. He is an reincarnated rinpoche recognized by Dharma King Mohe. Among a group of venerable ones […]

Dharma Master Qingding

Dharma Master Qingding Some Who Attained Great Accomplishments Venerable Dharma Teacher Qingding         Venerable Dharma Teacher Qingding (1903-1999) was the successor to the Dharma lineage of H.E. Dharma Master Nenghai of the Geluk sect. He had over one million disciples and was a famous monk in China. He was a greatly virtuous […]

Dharma Master Tonghui

Dharma Master Tonghui Some Who Attained Great Accomplishments Venerable Dharma Teacher Tonghui Dharma master Tonghui         Venerable Dharma Teacher Tonghui (1922-2013) is the Abbot of the Longju Temple made famous by Jiangxi Mazu. He is a close disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s from whom he learned and practiced dharma. He […]

Venerable Dharma Teacher Guozhang

Venerable Dharma Teacher Guozhang Some Who Attained Great Accomplishments Dharma Master Guozhang         Venerable Dharma Teacher Guozhang (1907-2015) was a famous and eminent monk in China. He received tonsure and became a monk in Mt. Emei, one the four famous Buddhist mountains of China, in 1930. In his middle age, he went […]

Dharma Master Puguan

Dharma Master Puguan Some Who Attained Great Accomplishments         Venerable Dharma Teacher Puguan was a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III who His Holiness personally taught. He was a famous and eminent monk in China and was the 13th Patriarch of Mt. Emei. In the 1980’s, the dharma teacher began renovating […]

Master Wan Ko Yee Has Made A Great Contribution To Art

Master Wan Ko Yee Has Made A Great Contribution To Art The Explanation of the Buddha’s Title – “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III”         On April 3, 2008, a solemn and dignified first-publishing ceremony of a fact-recording book entitled H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, which published jointly by the World Buddhism Publishing […]

Chinese master makes history as painting sells for record price

Chinese master makes history as painting sells for record price The Explanation of the Buddha’s Title – “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III”         On April 3, 2008, a solemn and dignified first-publishing ceremony of a fact-recording book entitled H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, which published jointly by the World Buddhism Publishing LLC […]