

Announcement 20210102

        Regarding your inquiries: which temples or temples under construction follow the correct teachings and practice the authentic Dharma? For those temples whose names were handwritten in calligraphy by Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III or the temples-to-be-built approved by Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III, are they all practicing True Dharma? Which Buddhist masters are qualified to perform an inner tantric initiation or holy inner tantric initiation? Here are the replies.

        Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III has recognized numerous Buddhist temples. Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III will approve canonical Buddhist temples as long as they undertake Buddhist work, benefit the public, and are legally permitted by the government. Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III always agrees to handwrite their temple names in calligraphy for those government-approved temples. However, Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III has only named these temples: Hua Zang Si, Zheng Fa Si, and the Ancient Buddha Temple. The Buddha has never initiated picking the names of any other temple. They have always beseeched the Buddha’s calligraphy after choosing the temple name. The Buddha always writes their temples’ names in calligraphy for free.

        Furthermore, the renaming of the True Doctrine- and True Dharma-abiding Holy Miracle Temple, which was constructed by the Headquarters, occurred after a tremendous holy miracle appeared during a Dharma assembly at the temple. The Buddha then recommended to the Headquarters to rename the temple from the original San Zang Si (lit. Tripitaka Temple) to the Holy Miracle Temple. In addition, the renaming by the Buddha of the Jue Xing Si (lit. Enlightened Practice Temple) occurred after the temple’s abbess, Shih Zhengda, took the qualification test at the World Buddhism Association Headquarters and attained the Holy Guru ranking. Another example is the Bao Ta Si (lit. Jeweled Stupa Temple). When True Buddha Dharma Center purchased and signed the land deed to construct the temple, a luminous pagoda mirage appeared in the sky. The abbot reported this phenomenon to Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III. With this dependent origination, the Buddha renamed the True Buddha Dharma Center’s Temple Bao Ta Si. Likewise, the International Buddhism Sangha Association chose the name of Hua Zang Buddhist Institute. Only after it received the government’s permit did the Buddha approve and recognize it.

        When the Buddha addressed the group of Holy Gurus of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters on August 15 last year (2020), the Buddha proclaimed that any temple with a name inscription of His calligraphy does not necessarily mean that the temple is practicing True Dharma. Instead, it depends on whether the abbot understands and practices True Dharma. That is the principle. Therefore, we need to see the abbot ranking as a Holy Guru or an eminent monastic.

        The inner tantric initiation, especially the holy inner tantric initiation, can only be performed by a Tremendous Holy Guru. If a temple’s abbot has yet to attain a Holy Guru ranking but inasmuch as a truly eminent monastic, this temple is still good. Consult the World Buddhism Association Headquarters to verify one’s status as an eminent monastic or a great virtuous one. To carefully investigate which temples practice True Dharma or disseminate erroneous, deluded, and distorted teachings, one should thoroughly examine if the temple in question is in complete accord with the teachings of the audio recordings of the Dharma discourses imparted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and the teachings and guidance of Shakyamuni Buddha.

        The World Buddhism Association Headquarters formally announces to Buddhist practitioners the following. For those certified by test as eminent monastic ranking by the World Buddhism Association Headquarters, the abbot must wear the proper ranking attire. And the ranking attire must match the rank specified on the certification. If the abbot’s ranking matches the ranking standard, then the Buddhist temple they lead should be with merits. On the other hand, if the abbot does not reach the standard, regardless of who is in charge, this temple being good or evil is yet to be determined. Thus, people must put a question mark on this temple. As to how much merit there is, it depends on the abbot’s ranking, but more importantly, whether the abbot conforms to the teachings of the audio-recorded Dharma discourses imparted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.

        Additionally, in the audio-recorded Dharma discourses by Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III, the Buddha advised that we still need to apply the 128 Views as evaluation criteria on those whom the Buddha had praised or approved in the past Dharma discourse recordings or Dharma assemblies. Some virtuous, devoted hearts are stained and contaminated by erroneous, deluded, and distorted thoughts as time passes. Some may even become accomplices to con artists or evildoers. Therefore, the Headquarters believes we must apply any of the Eighteen Dharmas to any Buddhist cultivator for authentication. For those masters who have not attained the Three Gold Buttons rank, the 128 Views should be used as evaluation criteria. Besides, even if someone received praise from the Buddha, the Buddha will 100% recommend this person to take the determination test at the Headquarters. Since the Headquarters started proctoring the test, those who were approved by Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III and took the test have always received passing grades, and none has failed. Thus, the Headquarters has kept all the records for those approved by the Buddha. Anyone without such a record at the Headquarters will not be recognized. They are categorized as private, their good or evil status undetermined.

        The Headquarters would take this opportunity to inform all of you that those who have not attained a Holy Guru ranking and domineeringly force others to enshrine their photos, even demand others to serve them during meals, with such disgusting and repulsive behaviors, are worse than foul garbage in front of the Buddha. They are certainly unethical and immoral, and you must not follow them. For a long time, when we have had an audience with Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III, and whenever we have a plate of fruits or desserts, as long as there are disciples, the Buddha always gives the fruits or desserts to the disciples. After we are done, the Buddha always gives more to the disciples until all are gone. It happens all the time. For example, the Buddha gave the most delicious cake to all disciples in the car yesterday. The Buddha only kept two slices. After arriving at the residence, two resident disciples did not have the cake. The Buddha unwrapped the two cake slices and gave each disciple a piece. The Buddha did not even taste such delicious cake but shared all with the disciples. How amiable, selfless, and loving others more than self the Buddha is?! Compare that with those unholy, ordinary rogues who demand others to serve them. They must repent and correct themselves immediately because there is no time to waste.

World Buddhism Association Headquarters
June 2, 2021

 (Translated from English to Chinese by Sheila Lauly, translation reviewed by Eric Huang)