

Announcement 20170112: Supplemental clarification regarding the Great Compassionate Avalokiteshvara Blessing Dharma and Inner Tantric

        Since the World Buddhism Association Headquarters’ announcement numbered 20170111 was published, many Buddhist disciples said the following. They say they have received blessings from the Great Compassionate Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva’s Blessing Dharma, and it has been many years since they received an inner-tantric initiation. However, they never thought they would fall prey to swindlers. Only now do they understand that the Great Compassionate Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva’s Blessing Dharma and authentic inner-tantric initiations are so sacred, subtle, and profound as this. However, some Buddhist disciples did not understand the announcement and thought they had received an Inner-tantric Initiation from their masters. They believe that their masters established an inner-tantric mandala, not knowing it is a fake, false one. Having passed no more than the Blue Button Grade 3 with three black ribbons, one rinpoche even thought he was ready to learn Sending a Petition to Bodhisattva. It is the joke of the world and an imaginary fable!

        Because of this, to correct some people’s wrong thinking, the World Buddhism Association Headquarters provides further clarifications regarding the facts of the Great Compassionate Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva’s Blessing Dharma and the authentic Inner-tantric Initiations.

  1. The Great Compassionate Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva’s Blessing Dharma has two stages—the Generation and Completion Stages. At the generation stage, only three percent is manifest and is superficial. Whether a person is kind-hearted or not, they can succeed as soon as they learn it. They can immediately bless people by taking them into the state. On the other hand, the completion stage requires using Bodhi Holy Water, which accounts for 97% of the total and is the realization power. One must be a great, virtuous person to be successful in it because it is more challenging to make the holy water penetrate the Dharma Bowl than to climb the sky.

  2. If the master has violated the Root Precepts of Great Compassion, or if they were not transmitted the Dharma from a lineage, or if they were transmitted the Dharma from a lineage but later lost it, as soon as that master performs the Dharma, the demons and devils will take over it immediately. It will become an evil Dharma and the master a wicked master, no matter what kind of status the master has. Even though the Dharma performed can still manifest some states to give blessings to people, they belong to evil powers. The people receiving those blessings can only get evil energy, i.e., bad luck and the seed to descend to the three lower realms! Also, this wicked master who performs the Dharma will not have the dharma power to make the Bodhi Holy Water penetrate the Dharma Bowl for all their life, and they will never be able to attain liberation and achievement!

        Below is supplemental information about Inner-tantric:

  1. Why have Buddhist disciples not been able to hear what happens in authentic Inner-tantric Initiations before? The reason for that is the inner-tantric dharma rules decree that one can only be qualified to hear about the rules in an inner-tantric mandala and to receive holy inner-tantric initiation if one is close to realizing holiness. Therefore, even many dharma kings, rinpoches, dharma masters, and masters are not qualified to hear about authentic inner-tantric initiations, not to mention receiving an inner-tantric initiation and becoming an inner-tantric disciple. As such, those Buddhist disciples who are ordinary beings can only hear about and receive false inner-tantric initiations.

  2. Except for a Buddha, even Equal Enlightenment Bodhisattvas and Marvelous Enlightenment Bodhisattvas must hold inner-tantric initiations in an Inner-tantric Mandala. If the initiation happens in an inner-tantric mandala that does not comply with the two major dharma requirements, it must be a false inner-tantric initiation!

  3. According to the World Buddhism Association Headquarters’ levels chart that compared the (Arahat’s) fruit levels and the (Bodhisattva’s) stages, only those holy ones above Gold Button Level 3 can establish an inner-tantric mandala. If someone below Gold Button Level 3 says they can set up an Inner-tantric Mandala, then that person is one hundred percent a cheat! Among the great holy gurus such as Monk Jigong, who is famous in history; Mozhi Rinpoche, whose dharma power is so high that it is close to Gold Button Level 3; Dharma King Ghar Tongstan, who is the current Chairman of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters, Kaichu Rinpoche; and the dharma kings and rinpoches in Tibet and India, no one has the dharma power to present the three Vajra Pestles, and no one can send a petition to Bodhisattva. But because those holy and virtuous ones, including His Great Holy Virtuous Mozhi, Dharma King Ghar Tongstan, and Kaichu Rinpoche, have realized holiness, they can borrow and use an established inner-tantric mandala that complies with the dharma regulations to perform for their disciples a Borrowed Inner-tantric Initiation Using Handed-down Holy Dharma Water. Although a holy, virtuous one who is Gold Button Level 1 and one who is close to Gold Button Level 3 can perform inner-tantric initiations for their disciples by borrowing an inner-tantric mandala, once they leave the inner-tantric mandala, the initiations which they hold will not be inner-tantric and cannot even be successfully done. That is what is meant by “the inner tantric power disappears if the inner-tantric mandala is absent or lost” in Esoteric Buddhism.


  4. A male master who establishes an inner-tantric mandala must comply with the two major dharma rules or requirements: Presenting the Three Vajra Pestles and Sending a Petition to Bodhisattva. One who can only do one but not both cannot establish an inner-tantric mandala. A female master, on the other hand, must be able to Send a Petition to Bodhisattva to set up an inner-tantric mandala. People must carefully examine all claiming inner-tantric powers by checking, item by item, the table in Announcement 20170111. You will not be fooled if you understand it!


  5. Wangzha Shangzun, whose dharma powers are above Gold Button Level 3 and close to Level 4, has vowed to establish an inner-tantric mandala. Shangzun said: “If my dharma power is a little short of satisfying the required dharma rules for establishing the inner-tantric mandala, I will be responsible for requesting help from a Tremendously Holy Guru. I will do what I say. Since I have made the vow, I must carry it out. That is how I conduct myself. Once the inner-tantric mandala is successfully established, I am willing to let other holy and virtuous ones, the masters above Gold Button Level 1, borrow the inner-tantric mandala. Suppose you, a master, have not yet passed the Gold Button holiness level. In that case, you can apply to the World Buddhism Association Headquarters and say you have the Dharma powers to give an inner-tantric initiation to your disciples by borrowing the inner-tantric mandala. If that is the case, I will also let you borrow the inner-tantric mandala. Still, you must use a measuring vajra rope that is between five and ten meters long to do for your disciples the borrowed inner-tantric initiation (aka. the inner-tantric initiation using handed-down holy Dharma water) according to the Dharma rules. I will not let any master borrow the inner-tantric mandala unless it is for an Initiation that complies with the dharma rules.”


  6. I know it very well and understand it deeply that none of those rinpoches, dharma masters, and so on, who have taken the one-hundred-question written test on Sutras, Vinaya, and Abhidharma, including the seven holy persons and the ten masters who proctored the tests, has the Dharma power to establish an inner-tantric mandala. In other words, those people are not qualified to have an inner-tantric disciple! Even a Great Holy Virtuous One of Gold Button Level 3 has less than sixty percent of the confidence to establish an Inner-tantric Mandala. Therefore, any master who claims to be able to do inner-tantric initiations and has inner-tantric disciples is nothing but a cheater who wins fame by hoodwinking the public! If not, do you dare to borrow my inner-tantric mandala to do the borrowed inner-tantric initiation with handed-down holy Dharma water? If you dare not, don’t deceive the public by pretending you have the inner tantric power anymore.”


  7. To perform an authentic inner-tantric initiation, one must have a measuring Vajra rope between five and ten meters long. This measuring vajra rope is used to measure the distance between the master and disciple when holding the initiation ritual, in which the vajra pill is in the disciple’s possession. The master performs the Dharma in the distance to make the vajra pill manifest itself at the disciple’s end in holy transformations, like changing its size and height, transforming into different forms, and dancing the Guozhuang dance. Or the vajra pill can be like an ice-skating athlete doing a performance in public, moving and stopping at speed, leisurely gliding and turning, making sharp turns at a fast pace, circling about, suddenly accelerating or decelerating, and doing it all with freedom and ease. The master, who is at least five meters away, gives a verbal order for the vajra pill to jump, and the vajra pill jumps immediately. This vajra pill, which can make the holy transformation and the measuring vajra rope, will be taken over and kept by the inner-tantric disciple receiving the initiation. Any master who can perform the inner-tantric initiation must send a petition to Bodhisattva to succeed in having the Bodhi Holy Water. In inner-tantric initiations, the Bodhi Holy Water that can penetrate the Dharma bowl must be used as the mother Dharma water for all inner-tantric initiations. Therefore, the inner-tantric power is not something that any kind of magic or trick can easily substitute!


  8. For anyone who denies the dharma requirements for establishing the inner-tantric mandala, if you reject and slander them, saying they don’t count, you should give reasons to prove why you say they don’t. You must explain to everyone why they don’t count. You should further validate your ideas by doing something practical, like lifting a giant pestle that weighs one hundred jins (i.e., 500 kilograms) over your shoulder with one hand or standing far away and making a piece of paper which people have written on vanish in rainbow light in the air amid the chanting of “Om Ah Hom” by people, to prove your reasons are valid. It says you don’t understand it if you cannot do that. Those who don’t understand it have no right to speak, and they have no right to deny it! To cover their ignorance, an evil master usually says: “We will just learn and practice our true Dharma. We practice patience, and we endure insults, so we don’t care what others may say.” Moreover, an evil master usually calls themself a great bodhisattva and says: “I am not going to meet those two Dharma requirements which I don’t acknowledge.” Today, our headquarters tells all Buddhist disciples that anyone saying things like that is not because they don’t want to do it, but rather, they just have no dharma powers to meet the two major Dharma requirements at all.


  9. Conversely, people can think about it a bit. For the sake of argument, even if these two major Dharma requirements didn’t count if that master is a real Greatly Holy and Virtuous One or a Great Bodhisattva, then why would Presenting the Three Vajra Pestles or Sending a Petition to Bodhisattva be so hard for a great Bodhisattva to do? They can easily show to the disciples by their abilities that they are qualified to say why those two major Dharma requirements are inadequate. But if they cannot even do that while denying the two major Dharma requirements for establishing the inner-tantric mandala, that can only say they are a lowly swindler. It is like someone who knows nothing about swimming and dares not to get in the water to go and see people surfing in the ocean. What kind of right does that person have, while standing on the shore, to criticize those surfers surfing in the sea by saying their forms are terrible or their techniques inadequate? It is also like an evil master, upon seeing a pack of Chinese herbal medicine that is for curing headaches, saying it is fake medicine and it is awful. When you ask that master why it is so and what the herbal ingredients are, the master cannot recognize anything but just says: “I don’t care what these herbs are called. This pack of herbs is fake medicine, no matter what.” One can only say that this evil master is too bad and shameful. As a layman, you must understand that you have no right to comment on or deny something you don’t understand. If you randomly comment on things you don’t understand, then you are a lowly swindler!

        In addition to this announcement, you must study and understand Announcement No. 20170111 to avoid being deceived for life in this lifetime and descend to a place where there will never be a day for you to attain achievement and liberation. Don’t step into the gate of evil because there will not be a day for you to recover in tens of thousands of kalpas.

World Buddhism Association Headquarters
November 15, 2017

(Eric Huang translated this announcement from Chinese to English. Last edited on 2024-05-31)

This is the number one Vajra Pestle used by an 80-year old Great Holy Virtuous One from the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty (circa. 1400). This rinpoche is demonstrating how to present the three Vajra Pestles by using this Vajra Pestle.