

Announcement 20150113: Reply to Inquiry

        The United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters received an inquiry letter from Buddhist disciple Wangxiu asking for a reply. We now publicly announce the content of the inquiry letter and the response to it.

Email Dated September 8, 2015

From Wang Xiu <wangxiu563@gmail.com>

To: uiwbahoffice@gmail.com

The Great Dharma-holding Gurus at the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters, I respectfully implore you to resolve questions for living beings:

There is someone who publicly announced that he is a Great Holy Guru and will transmit Dharmas on behalf of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Many people are enamored, and many, like me, are very confused. What is the standard for a Great Holy Guru? Which Great Holy Guru can transmit Dharma for H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III? We would like the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters to immediately reply to us so that our questions can be resolved. Otherwise, many of us are going to be miserable. Additionally, we would like to ask if Dharma Master Longhui Lajian II is available. Did she come to Hong Kong to propagate Dharma because H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III asked her to?

Lama disciple Wang Xiu with palms held together

The reply is as follows:

        Buddhist disciples! You always send in inquiries about being deceived, but you never read the public announcements even though you have been asked to do so, nor do you pass information to one another. We feel very sorry because you indulge yourself in wanton ways. We found that you don’t read public announcements to verify whether someone is good or bad even once, although we have asked you ten times. Therefore, we tell you now, with such a mindset, there is no hope you can be saved. If you want to be saved, it is pretty simple. You need to read the public announcements! It is very clearly said in the public announcements that no matter what a great Dharma the master claims to have attained accomplishment in, they still need to take the Holy Test. Only the level they pass in the Test is accurate. You have to check their final test level and the subject area they are tested on to know their status, whether they are a Xingde, Zengde, Runde, Holy Guru, Great Holy Guru, or Tremendously Holy Guru.

        The United International World Buddhism issued Public Announcement 20150110 a few days ago, in which a comparative quantification was made. To make it understandable, we explained using 100 points for every additional level. However, the points are only cursory and not exact. We will give another explanation today. From Blue Button Levels 1 through 3 to Gold Button Levels 1 through 5, the level of accomplishment, the name of the status, and the number of points of each level are comparatively explained precisely to inform everyone.

        The following comparative conclusion was obtained based on the determination and quantification by Wangzha Shangzun and the Dharmapalas. Blue Button Level 1 is named Xingde, Blue Button Level 2 is named Zengde, and Blue Button Level 3 is named Runde. A Runde can be called a Holy Guru, but it does not prove that Runde has the realization level of an Arahat or Bodhisattva. Gold Button Level 1 is named a Holy Guru, and Gold Button Level 2 is called Holy Guru. One can only be named a Great Holy Guru (a non-retrograde Bodhisattva) after one has reached the Gold Button Level 3 level. Gold Button Level 4 is called Tremendously Holy Guru, and Gold Button Level 5 is named Tremendously Holy Guru. Gold Button Level 4 is Great Mahasattva, Gold Button Level 5 is Equal Enlightenment Bodhisattva or Marvelous Enlightenment Bodhisattva, and above Gold Button Level 5 is the infinite level of Buddha.

        The classification of the levels is like the value grades of diamonds. Now, we illustrate it with the number of points. Blue Button Level 1 ranges between 100 points and 299 points. Blue Button Level 2 is between 300 points and 899 points. Blue Button Level 3 is between 900 points and 2,699 points. Gold Button Level 1 is between 2,700 points and 8,099 points, Gold Button Level 2 is between 8,100 points and 24,299 points, Gold Button Level 3 is between 24,300 and 72,899 points, Gold Button Level 4 is between 72,900 and 218,699 points, and Gold Button Level 5 is 218,700 points.

        Great Holy Gurus and Tremendously Holy Gurus are very rare. According to the validation by Wangzha Shangzun, there are at most a handful of Gold Button Level 3 Great Holy Gurus in the world now, and there are no more than three Gold Button Level 4 Tremendously Holy Gurus. As for Gold Button Level 5 Tremendously Holy Gurus, there are at most 2.

        The above are the rough comparative quantification of points and the number of Great Holy Gurus and Tremendously Holy Gurus, which were the results obtained from performing a Dharma of determination by Wangzha Shangzun and the Dharmapalas. Our Headquarters had named Gold Button Level 1 (which used to be called One Star Sun-Moon Wheel) and Gold Button Level 2 (which used to be Two Star Sun-Moon Wheel) Great Holy Guru, but that was incorrect. These levels can only be counted as Holy Gurus. We thus publish this announcement, and we repent ourselves sincerely.

        The level standards established by the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters have already been lowered to the minimum, and as such, the levels are categorized as high. If we name the categories according to the Dharma stipulation by Namo Shakyamuni Buddha, which says all the holy beings transcending the world must have the Three Vidyas and the Six Practices* (三明六法) as stated in the Dirgha Agama Sutra (長阿含經), then it would be tough to find one who can be called Holy Guru. Of course, those reincarnated holy beings, even though not yet revealing their three vidyas and six practices previously, will also be included in it, but the Holy Test must definitively determine their levels.

        Wangzha Shangzun, at Gold Button Level 3, said: “A regular Holy Guru, no matter who they are, has no qualification to transmit Dharma on behalf of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. They can only transmit Dharma by themselves. A Gold Button Level 5 Tremendously Holy Guru can transmit the supreme great Dharma of State-practice Initiation on behalf of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Besides that, a Gold Button Level 4 Tremendously Holy Guru can perform the Holy Inner-tantric Initiations or transmit great esoteric or exoteric Dharma on behalf of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. A Great Holy Guru of Gold Button Level 3 can only perform inner-tantric initiation and transmit the corresponding Dharma of esoteric and exoteric sects on behalf of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. For example, I, Wangzha, who has the empty title of Gold Button Level 3, can do inner-tantric initiation and transmit Dharmas that correspond to the esoteric and exoteric sects on behalf of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Gold Button Levels 2 and 1 are not qualified to transmit Dharma or perform initiation on behalf of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. However, Gold Button Levels 2 and 1 and Blue Button Level 3 can transmit the esoteric and exoteric Dharma by themselves, which is their dharma affair and right to propagate the Dharma. If H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III were to authorize someone to transmit a Dharma on behalf of Him, He would only send at the minimum a Great Holy Guru of Gold Button Level 3 or a Tremendously Holy Guru above Gold Button Level 3 who is qualified and in accord with Dharma. For example, I, Wangzha Bikkhu, have no qualification to transmit the highest and foremost great Dharma on behalf of the Buddha Master because I do not know anything about the ritual of the great Dharma! Nor do I have the qualification and dharma power for holding the State-practice (境行) and Enlightenment-practice (覺行) initiation!”

        Regarding whether Dharma Master Longhui is Lajian II, according to the reply to an inquiry, Dharma Master Longhui is reincarnated from Lajian Rinpoche. She had told H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III before she went to transmit Dharma in Hong Kong last year. Dharma Master Longhui told His Holiness the Buddha that many people had said to her: “There are a lot of people in Asia who won’t be able to come here from Asia in June.” H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III asked: “Why do they want to come here in June?” Dharma Master Longhui said: “Don’t they always come in June?” H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said: “I have never asked them to come. Not once. I have told the Office to send a public announcement to ask them not to come. It is not only expensive but also tiring. I asked the Office to tell them I would not be there when they came. But the Office opposed it and said: ‘They are coming to pay tribute to Your Holiness the Buddha. How can we stop them from coming to pay respect to Your Holiness, the Buddha? We cannot carry the burden of the sin.’ I told the Office: ‘How could we bear to see them embarking on such a tiring journey?’ The Office said: ‘None of us dares to carry the causality of issuing a public announcement to keep them from coming to pay respect to Your Holiness the Buddha. We did issue such a public announcement the other year. Ultimately, they discovered that Your Holiness the Buddha did not leave town. Consequently, the Office was scolded with hatred.’”

        H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said: “For the sake of caring about them, you must issue the public announcement. Tell them to wait till the time of transmitting the Dharma and initiation. Don’t let them come without any gain.” Dharma Master Longhui said: “I was told some people couldn’t obtain an immigration visa to come. It is tough. They also cannot afford the airfare. Therefore, I have decided to go to Hong Kong to transmit the Amitabha Buddha Dharma to them.” H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said: “In that case, you go ahead!” That is the entirety of what transpired. She didn’t go there at the request of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.

        Also, any Dharma listening center must have an email address to receive public announcements. If your master does not allow you to set up an email account, it says this master of yours has ulterior motives that others cannot see. They can even be the same kind of people as those evil liars. You should leave immediately and choose a good master elsewhere! Otherwise, we will not receive you no matter what from now on! Please send your email address to the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters so we can arrange your Dharma transmission and initiation.

The United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters
September 9, 2015

*Translator’s Note: According to Vol. 8 and 9 of the Dirgha Agama Sutra, the Three Vidyas are the Vidya of the Divine Eye (dibba-cakkhu), the Vidya of Seeing the Causal Conditions in Past and Future Lifetimes (pubbe-nivāsanussati), and the Vidya of Extinction of Mental Intoxicants (āsavakkhaya). Also, according to Vols. 2 and 8 of the same sutra, the Six Practices are focusing one’s mind on 1. Buddha, 2. Dharma, 3. Sangha, 4. Precept, 5. Almsgiving, and 6. Heaven.

(Eric Huang translated this announcement into English. Last revised on 2024-07-28.)