

Announcement 20210101: An Impostor Will Not Dare To Practice These Eighteen Dharmas

        The Headquarters would like to use this announcement to express our gratitude to Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III for the dependent origination of the Dharma impartment for a Shakya descendant, who is the Chairperson of a Buddhist University. This Dharma discourse has jolted and woken the karmic-obstructed Buddhists. Such an earth-shattering Dharma discourse has also destroyed the heresy that “Deluded thought makes you an ordinary person, an enlightened thought makes you a Buddha.” We are incredibly grateful to Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III.

        Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III has imparted that since Shakyamuni Buddha entered nirvana, and Mara the Demon King vowed to have his descendants infiltrate the Sangha, those mara-monastics have been wearing sangha attires posing as monks and nuns and become evil masters. They have transgressed and desecrated the authentic Buddha Dharma. Therefore, today’s Buddhism is in a deteriorating and decadent state. Evildoers are rampant in Buddhist communities. They blatantly disregard and contradict Shakyamuni Buddha’s Doctrines, Precepts, and Dharma. Some mara-descendants become evil Dharma masters, and some sit on the Dharma King’s rostrum. Whether monastics or laymen, they all falsely claim to be great Bodhisattva or even Buddha.

        They show the inflated and pretentious outside of being eminent monastics, Dharma masters, Dharma kings, or great virtuous laypeople. However, they are just ordinary people with frail bodies who fool and confuse those clueless Buddhist followers. They lie through their teeth without blinking, and their bloviations are merely an army of pompous phrases. They flash their fictitious holiness certificates and show little to no achievement in Five Vidyas. Furthermore, while pretending to be Buddhas or Bodhisattvas, these scoundrels have violated the precepts, eroded the Dharma, and deceived the public. Worse yet, some Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis exhibit obscene, scandalous, and offensive behaviors and shamelessly post those videos on the web.

        These evil masters and evildoers have wreaked havoc in the Buddhist communities. They have fooled millions of people into believing they were holy sages. In fact, whether an individual is a Tathagata, Bodhisattva, or Arahat, the Buddhas have established the Eighteen Kinds of Great Dharma for Holiness Selection and Confirmation. By way of them, all frauds will show their true colors easily. Any evil master, whether they sit on the Dharma king’s rostrum, a patriarch of a Buddhist lineage, a repository of sutras and treatises, or who can talk nineteen to the dozen, once put under the Dharma for confirmation, righteous or evil will reveal itself immediately. It is why the impostors dare not try any of the Eighteen Dharmas, because ordinary people will not be able to conduct any of these Dharmas successfully and will expose their frauds under the sun.

        Buddhist disciples, if the truth is what you are after, these four points are essential to remember:

        1. You must not listen to this person’s empty talk on Sutra or Shastra.

        2. You must not solely trust this person’s superficial status as a lineage patriarch.

        3. You must not exclusively believe in this person’s fame and notoriety, such as a lineage-holder of a Buddhist sect.

        4. Tests must validate this individual; the Holy Test is the standard measure.

        Otherwise, those who follow the impostors will most likely be deceived and ruined for good.

        Whether a heavenly king, earthly deity, Bodhisattva, venerable, or Arahat, if the individual can conduct any of the Eighteen Dharmas and demonstrate the manifestation state according to the Dharma, this person is 100% a reincarnated Bodhisattva or Buddha. On the contrary, if this individual cannot practice any of these Dharmas, this person is certifiably ordinary, an impostor, and may even be a wicked con artist or scoundrel!

        These Eighteen Dharmas are 1. Buddha Bestowing Holy Amritas (佛降甘露);2. Sending a Petition to Bodhisattva (送菩薩一表);3. Holy Fire Homa (勝義火供);4. Uncovering Terma with Direct Verification (現量伏藏);5. Knowing in Advance and Foretelling (先知預言);6. Establishing Mandala Through a Boulder (隔石建壇);7. Bodhi Holy Water (菩提聖水);8. Lifting Pestle onto Platform With One Hand (拿杵上座);9. Bodhi Path Sin Decrease and Merit Increase Dharma (菩提道損減增益法);10. Vajra Array (金剛陣);11. Grand Eight Winds Array (八風大陣);12. Vajra Pillar Adjudication (金剛柱擇決);13. Hanging Bowl to Ask the Truth ( 懸缽問真.);14. Moving Vajra Pill like Dancing on Ice ( 冰姿顯聖);15. Vajra Faman Holy Adjudication (金剛法曼擇決);16. Hayagriva Or Horse-Head Wisdom King Water Altar Bead Hexagram (馬頭明王水壇珠卦);17. Dharma Gate Peacock Feathers Adjudication (法門宮羽);18. Double Adjudications (雙應擇決). These Eighteen Dharmas determine the holy from the mundane and the good from the evil. Each Dharma has its own Bodhisattva, Buddha, Vajra, and Dharmapala as yidam, and each presents a different manifestation of the realization state.

        For examples,

        1. Buddha Bestowing Amrita: The congregation witnesses the Buddha, an Equal Enlightenment Bodhisattva, or a Marvelous Enlightenment Bodhisattva practicing the Dharma to beseech the Buddha to appear in the sky and bestow holy amritas into an empty bowl.

        2. Sending a Petition to Bodhisattva: The congregation witnesses the Tremendous Holy Guru practicing the Dharma, and a Bodhisattva retrieves the petition in front of the public.

        3. Holy Fire Homa: The congregation witnesses the Bodhisattva, a Tremendous Holy Guru, practicing the Dharma. The blue Vajra Maternal Buddha appears in the sky, prancing and dancing in front of the disciples, and then emits flame from between the eyebrows and ignites the charcoals in the cauldron instantly. The flame’s temperature can reach more than a thousand degrees Celsius.

        4. Uncovering Terma with Direct Verification: The congregation participates and witnesses in person. See details on the March 19, 2019 edition of “Wangzha Shangzun Manifests Vajra Power, and Yuzun Uncovers Terma With Direct Verification at The Holy Miracles Temple” on Las Vegas Chinese News Network.

        5. Knowing in Advance and Foretelling: The Tremendous Holy Guru personally predicts the number of amrita pills he will hold in his hand. He then reaches and grabs a bunch of amrita pills. The pills are counted before the congregation, and the result will be the same as his prediction.

        6. Establishing Mandala Through a Boulder: The congregation witnesses the Tremendous Holy Guru or Great Holy Guru using colored sands to create a Mandala on top of a boulder. With a flick of the finger, the Mandala design penetrates through the boulder to the bottom of the boulder and onto an empty Mandala plate. The Mandala is thus established.

        7. Bodhi Holy Water: The holy water manifested by the Tremendous Holy Guru or a Great Holy Guru. The water can penetrate any vessel. And, when poured on a rostrum, the water will maneuver according to the direction given by the Bodhisattva, Tathagata, a Tremendous or Great Holy Guru.

        8. Lifting Pestle onto Platform With One Hand: It determines whether the participant’s physical condition is holy or mundane. Anybody can try, and everyone is treated equally. Lifting the vajra Pestle with one hand to determine the holiness level will instantly reveal the sacred or mundane.

        9. Bodhi Path Sin Decrease and Merit Increase Dharma: See Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III imparted Dharma “This is the Invincible Vajra Dharma to Enable Buddhist Practitioners to Achieve Accomplishment.” If an individual with such advanced cultivation conducts this Dharma successfully before the congregation, then this individual must be a Bodhisattva or a Buddha, a Tremendous Holy Guru.

        10. Vajra Array: It is a mighty formation that tests a person’s level or stage in Buddhist practice. The World Buddhism Association Headquarters has video recordings of the Vajra Array in real applications.

        11. Grand Eight Winds Array: No candidate can step across a thin vajra rope when the array is established. The World Buddhism Association Headquarters has videos of the Grand Eight Winds Array in real applications.

        12. Vajra Pillar Adjudication: The congregation will witness a peacock feather hanging in the air. The Tremendous Holy Guru stands about 10 meters away from it and submits inquiries to the vajra pillar. The truth will be revealed in front of the congregation.

        13. Hanging Bowl to Ask the Truth: The congregation witnesses the supernatural come-without-a-shadow-and-leave-without-a-trace Vajra descending to the Mandala. The Vajra will knock on the bowl to confirm adjudication.

        14. Moving Vajra Pill like Dancing on Ice: It is a holy inner-tantric initiation. The sacred manifestation goes beyond the entry-level vibration of the Vajra Pill. The Vajra Pill must twirl like dancing on a snow-capped mountain. It is more like ice figure skating than swing dancing. It can transform to be bigger or smaller, taller or shorter. It can levitate and spin around the bowl without touching its wall or even shows the image of a wrathful Vajra.

        15. Vajra Faman Holy Adjudication: The congregation witnesses Vajra sand forming into crowns of various fruition and realization stages that befit the ones to be validated above the heads of their visages.

        16. Hayagriva (Horse-Head) Wisdom King Water Altar Bead Hexagram: The congregation does a lottery to choose a candidate. The adjudication is unequivocally accurate. The Bodhi beads are placed on the water altar. See details on World Buddhism Association Headquarters Announcement No. 20200103.

        17. Dharma Gate Peacock Feathers Adjudication: The congregation witnesses that the presiding master stands from afar, and the disciple stands in front of the sacred peacock feathers and submits an inquiry. The peacock feathers will respond definitively to the question the disciple raises accordingly.

        18. Double Adjudications: It is a test that entails both the Lesser Eight Winds Array (八風小陣) and the Holy Divination of Manjushri Bodhisattva. All the candidates take part in this test individually, with everyone witnessing the result, which shows accurate and consistent answers between the two adjudications without discrepancy.

        Among the above Eighteen Dharmas, some only a Buddha, an Equal Enlightenment Bodhisattva or a Marvelous Enlightenment Bodhisattva can practice, and others only a great Mahasattva or above can. One must be at least at the level of an Arahat to be able to practice these Dharmas. The only exception is Puji Vajra’s (普及金剛) Lifting Pestle onto Platform With One Hand. Anyone can attempt to lift the Vajra Pestle to determine their holiness level.

        Although each Dharma has its yidam, these Eighteen Dharmas can differentiate the real from the fake and the righteous from the evil. We call them Demon-Revealing Mirrors. They are not actual mirrors but categories of great Dharmas. In concrete applications, only Lifting Pestle onto Platform With One Hand takes as little as requiring the candidate to lift the pestle off the ground for 8 seconds. For the other seventeen Dharmas, the self-proclaimed holy individual is asked to choose one and practice it in front of the congregation. Whether this individual is a divine being or a fake can be seen on the spot.

        Besides, only a Buddha, an Equal Enlightenment Bodhisattva or a Marvelous Enlightenment Bodhisattva are qualified to conduct the Dharma of Buddha Bestowing Amrita, all Bodhisattvas of lesser stages do not have the power to practice the Dharma. Many people have personally participated in and witnessed these Eighteen Dharmas, which were genuinely extraordinary, remarkable and praiseworthy.

        On May 15, a great Mahasattva and the anagarikas of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters conducted the Bodhi Path Sin Decrease and Merit Increase Dharma for a pious practitioner who made outstanding contributions to Buddhist work. The entire congregation successfully practiced the Dharma together. Everyone experienced and witnessed this wonderful, world-astounding, and miraculous event. With only one strike on the bell, the sound reverberated throughout the site and resonated for a long time. All attendants stood about four to five feet from the platform, and all eyes focused on the jar in the middle. The total number of Bodhi pills has increased by three. The blessed disciple, from now on, can take the merit-increasing Bodhi pills every month and is guaranteed to achieve accomplishment. The Shengzun brought some of the merit-increasing Bodhi pills and made offerings to Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III to celebrate His Holiness, the Buddha’s holy birthday. Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III praised and proclaimed, “Although you have successfully practiced this holy Dharma, you should persistently turn away from all evildoings, commit to doing good, and selflessly serve and benefit others with your body, speech, and mind.” The Shengzun bowed and replied, “This disciple shall faithfully obey and will practice in accordance with the Dharma.”

        Please note that during a validation test, the first eight Dharmas are the type that the candidate must practice in person. They are to verify if this individual has attained sufficient cultivation accomplishment to complete any of these eight Dharmas. The first eight Dharmas must be practiced by this candidate and witnessed by the congregation. No substitution is allowed. From the ninth to the eighteenth Dharmas, the candidate can practice the Dharma by themself to reveal their stage of holy manifestation. However, a great reincarnated Bodhisattva can also conduct the Dharma to adjudicate this individual’s true nature as sacred or mundane. It is the same process as verifying which fruition level, bhumi (ground), or Bodhisattva stage someone’s holiness stage is. The process can also be applied to confirm if any Sutra, Vinaya, Shastra, and Dharma contains distorted, erroneous, and deluded views. For example, some sutras have different versions of translations and interpretations. And various sutras may contradict each other. It is the aftermath caused by mara-descendants, who have infiltrated the Sangha and corrupted Shakyamuni Buddha’s Sutrapitaka. The Buddha knew the tricks of these evildoers to distort and falsify the Tripitaka. Therefore, the Buddha imparted these Eighteen Dharmas to differentiate the authentic from the spurious and the righteous from the evil. These Eighteen Dharmas are necessary to distinguish the moral from the evil. And we will not be able to resolve the self-contradictory statements between sutras without these eighteen Dharmas.

        For example, on a Sutra, it writes: “The period since I became a buddha would exceed this by umpteen nayutas and asamkhyas of kalpas. Since then, I have been residing in the sahā world, teaching the Dharma and inspiring sentient beings. I have also been leading and benefiting sentient beings in umpteen nayutas and asamkhyas of other worlds. “On another Sutra, it indicates that Shakyamuni Buddha had been “a royal prince for ten lifetimes, and through many kalpas to become a Ksanti-vadi-rsi,” and after that, Buddha Dipamkara gave the prediction that the prince would achieve enlightenment at the Assembly on the Gridhakuta Peak (aka the Vulture’s Peak). Another Sutra depicts that when Prince Siddhartha Gautama practiced asceticism on the bank of the Nairanjananadi (Phalgu River), He was unsure if He would achieve enlightenment. The prince placed a bowl on the Nairanjananadi and made a wish: “If I can be the Enlightened One, this bowl will float upstream.” The bowl indeed floated upstream, which foretold His Buddhahood. In addition, Sutrapitaka lectures and proclaims that all Dharma (phenomena) arise in dependence upon causality.

        Nevertheless, the Buddha also made many prophecies in the sutras, seemingly indicating a self-contradictory fatalism. In addition, many versions of the same Sutra or Mantra contain many different lengths of wording. All the confusion and destruction were caused by the mara-descendants who executed the orders from the Demon King. Therefore, practicing any of the Eighteen Dharmas will provide adjudication clearly and irrefutably to verify if an individual is holy or evil.

        One of the Eighteen Dharmas provides the most convenient and immediate adjudication. It can validate any individual to be genuine or a sham in a few seconds unconditionally. This Dharma is Lifting a Pestle Onto Platform With One Hand Using Vajra Hook, whose yidam is Puji Vajra. Anyone who volunteers to participate will use one hand to lift the pestle. It will instantly confirm the participant’s physical condition irrefutably according to their corresponding realization power. Those who reach level twelve and above are the entry-level holy person. Those who fail to reach above level eleven don’t have a holy physical condition and are 100% ordinary. See details in “By Age and Weight, The Good-Health-Man Weight Standards for Lifting Vajra Pestle With One Hand.”

        Please note that women are not required to partake in Lifting Pestle Onto Platform With One Hand. The other seventeen Dharmas will validate them instead. However, all men – pious believers, eminent monks, great Dharma masters, the Ehrampa Geshis, Lharampa Geshis, great lamas, great rinpoches, great Dharma kings, generational patriarchs, or even ordinary Buddhists, are treated equally in front of the Dharma of Lifting Pestle Onto Platform With One Hand. By lifting the same vajra pestle, whether the candidate has a holy physical composition or simply an ordinary body, and whether they are genuine or sham, will be revealed. This Dharma will confirm that an ordinary person is just ordinary and a holy being is holy. Pompous grandees without dharma power will be just that. In as little as a few seconds, the truth will reveal itself. There is no freeloading at all. Therefore, the impostors dare not lift the pestle.

        However, suppose a male master, who has been validated by one of the Eighteen Dharmas, is a humble Buddhist cultivator, teaches according to the Dharma, is discreet and unpretentious, and practices true Dharma but has some health issues. In that case, the validation requirements of the Dharma of Lifting the Pestle Onto Platform With One Hand do not apply to him. Therefore, all Buddhist disciples should heed that as long as your Dharma master follows the teachings of Namo Shakyamuni Buddha and abides by the Dharma imparted by Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III, you should approve your master. Your learning relies on the audio recordings of the Dharma imparted by His Holiness the Buddha, which is the standard and guiding principle of correct meaning. Besides, only a Tremendous Holy Guru of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters with dharma power can transmit a holy Dharma to you. Your master’s role is to assist you in following the authentic Dharma and walking on the correct Bodhi path. Therefore, the master does not need to have advanced dharma power. If the master abides by the Buddha’s doctrine, the disciples should respect and follow them.

        The Headquarters has received some complaint letters that state xxx pretended to be a Buddha; xxx deceived their disciples and self-proclaimed as a great Bodhisattva or a Marvelous Enlightenment Bodhisattva; xxx Dharma master has a scandalous relationship with xxx Bhikkuni and they went to karaoke, drank alcohol and ate meat, etc. These are unsurprising because Shakyamuni Buddha already predicted that evil demons would increase in the Dharma Degeneration Age and authentic Dharma would be increasingly diluted and corrupted. These reports have fulfilled the Buddha’s prophecies. Evil and demonic elements have rampantly mixed with pure Buddhism, obscured authentic Buddha Dharma, disregarded the precepts and ordinance, and contradicted and counterfeited the teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni. Worst of all, a charlatan even declares that he was recognized and authenticated by Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III as a reincarnated Bodhisattva and Tathagata. We implored a reply from Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III yesterday about this.

        Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III replied, “I am very humbled. What capacity do I have to confirm others to be holy being? Ever since I was young, I have never confirmed anyone to be a Buddha or Bodhisattva for two reasons. First, I am a common cultivator. Therefore, I can’t practice the Eighteen Dharmas. Although I did lift the grand pestle, it hurt my back and legs. I am so humbled. What credentials have I to confirm others to be sacred or not? Second. I am not a Tremendous Holy Guru. I don’t have the authority to confirm anybody to be Buddha or Bodhisattva. I only advocate for others to practice cultivation diligently, avoid evildoings, and commit to doing good. If anyone is arrogant, unbridled, and self-proclaimed to be sacred and trump as a holy king, if they are so shamelessly audacious, why would they not dare to conduct any of the Eighteen Dharmas to prove to Buddhist disciples that they are holy and not mundane? If they cannot do it, they must be an impostor!!!

        The Holy Gurus at the Headquarters agree that His Holiness the Buddha’s words and deeds left us with contrite hearts. His Holiness the Buddha is the unsurpassed, complete and perfect Enlightened One. However, His Holiness the Buddha has maintained such humility and is without a shred of arrogance. Here are some facts. Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III has exhibited for all to see His Holiness the Buddha’s perfect mastery of the Five Vidyas. His Holiness the Buddha publicly lifted the pestle to surpass His base standard by 59 levels, which far exceeds the level of the King of Great Vajra Strength. Throughout history, His Holiness the Buddha is the only one who never accepted any offerings but voluntarily served the masses to let them learn from Buddha and practice cultivation.

        It is confirmed that Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III has never recognized anyone as a Buddha or Bodhisattva. Those so-called Dharma kings, Bodhisattva impostors, and fake great Dharma masters don’t even qualify to dust the shoes for Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III. Nevertheless, the Headquarters has established Puji Vajra’s Dharma of Lifting a Pestle Onto Platform With One Hand Using a Vajra Hook. From the lightest “Ruzi Chu” (Beginner Pestle), to “Famen Chu” (Dharma Gate Pestle), to “World Strongman Pestle,” and to “Buddha Pestle,” which is one level above Bodhisattva’s King-of-Great-Vajra-Strength level, all are openly placed at the Headquarters’ temple. All virtuous and pious people are welcome to try.

        If your master calls himself a holy being, you must discreetly observe him to see if he is a counterfeit or if he dares to lift the pestle to prove his realization state. Perhaps you should invite the self-enthroned great Bodhisattva to raise the pestle at the Headquarters’ temple. If he excuses himself, you should see if he will go to a gym to raise the barbell with one hand. If he does, you can inform us of the heaviest weight he can lift. We will check and confirm back to you if he surpasses his base standard or fails to reach it and whether he is holy or mundane. The result will give definitive adjudication. If our Headquarters’ 90-year-old Kaichu Jiaozun, who weighed 180 lbs, could lift the pestle off the ground, how can the self-proclaimed Bodhisattva, who professes to teach others to become divine, not raise the pestle of the same weight? Perhaps he cannot even lift the “Dharma Gate Pestle” or the lightest “Beginner Pestle,” can he? It proves that not only he is not holy, but he has also not even entered the “Dharma Gate.” That is to say, if someone cannot even walk across the door, he then must be counterfeit and is just an ordinary person. For he who cannot even lift the “Beginner Pestle,” if he is not mundane, what is he? Could he be called holy? Could he not be feeble and has a holy physique?

        Look, no matter how glorious this person’s status is, should he pompously self-proclaim to be a Bodhisattva, you must see if this individual dares to take the test of “Lifting Pestle Onto Platform With One Hand”!! Of course, this invitation is for those mundane masters who pretend to be holy.

        We must unequivocally warn Buddhist disciples not to believe in those fairy tales, such as a divine being stepping on a boulder and leaving a footprint or handprint. Those are hoaxes. It is outrageous blasphemy to compare the Bodhisattva and Tathagata to stonemasons. Consider this: Is a Bodhisattva or Tathagata with complete mastery of the Five Vidyas just a stone mason who processes stones? Isn’t it ridiculous?

        Furthermore, throughout history, there has never been a holy being who stepped on a boulder and left a footprint for all to see. The foot impression or handprint on boulders you see were fabricated by the fake or his disciples, who secretly chiseled out the imprints in advance, then pompously and fictitiously advertised it as a holy remark. Any skeptical Buddhist can try to duplicate it, and you will find the truth. The Headquarters can confidently assert that the so-called lineage-holder, rumored to have stepped on a boulder and left a footprint, would not be able to lift the vajra pestle that the 90-year-old Kaichu Jiaozun lifted off the ground with one hand and surpassed his base by 26 levels. It is because this individual is a fake, an ordinary person without any accomplishment that goes beyond the commoners, let alone to be compared to the holy elder, Kaichu Jiaozun.

        We wish to remind all Buddhists that only the masters whose Dharma attire shows the ranking remarks certified by the Holy Gurus via Dharma authentication are recognized. Otherwise, for those famous figures or ordinary Buddhists, who have not been validated by one of the Eighteen Dharmas, if they self-proclaim to be holy, you should reserve a question mark on them. Otherwise, in this Dharma Degeneration Age, you have probably already been cheated. The matter of fact is that you have yet to follow a genuine holy guru to learn from Buddha and cultivate yourself. You have gone astray and blindly believed in an evil master or a con artist. That will ruin your life forever and lead you toward the Three Evil Realms of reincarnation!

World Buddhism Association Headquarters
May 15, 2021

(Translated to English from Chinese by Sheila Lauly. English translation reviewed and edited by Eric Huang)