

Announcement 20180101: Do Not Overlook Reading the Important Replies from Eminent Monks

        We ask you all to be informed that important replies from eminent monks will be forwarded in the coming days. These replies have to do with whether you can get beneficial effects from cultivation and learning from Buddha, and whether you can attain perfect good fortune and wisdom in the current lifetime. This is a great matter, with the importance of life and death, that is closely related to liberation and accomplishment. We hope that you will read, study, and understand them. If you do not clearly understand the contents, you will be at the risk of mistakenly entering the wrong path. Then it will be impossible to hope for accomplishment and liberation.

        Many people wish to receive an inner-tantric initiation. Then, what conditions or qualifications must one possess after all to receive an inner-tantric initiation? Also, what qualifications must a master possess to be able to give an inner-tantric initiation to disciples? What are the effects of an inner-tantric initiation? What kinds of objects of evidence and dharma instruments does a disciple who has received an inner-tantric initiation have in possession?

        Anyone who has received a State-practice Initiation can see holy images manifest themselves in the initiation. The types of State-practice Initiation are different. In one type, the seed that is the holy cause of the state-practice is truly planted and the disciple is accepted by the Yidam. In the other type, there is the manifestation of phenomena which shows the power of the State-practice Dharma, but the Dharma is only to empower the disciple and the Yidam has not accepted the disciple. How are these two types distinguished?

        Where are inner-tantric mandalas located?

        Why would some people who have the title of a master oppose the two major principles of establishing an inner-tantric mandala?

        A real Buddha hall practicing true Buddha Dharma is completely different from an ordinary consecrated Buddha hall. How can one be established?

        Buddhists all have piousness and faith in different degrees and are all willing to do Buddhist work. However, the Buddhist work that is done by most of them often has no merit at all. Instead, they end up planting sins and negative karma that will follow them. How can one do Buddhist work without entering a wrong path? How does one do Buddhist work correctly so that one can receive one hundred percent the merit, obtain an inner-tantric initiation, and eventually attain great accomplishment?

World Buddhism Association Headquarters
January 20, 2018

(original translation by Benxin, edited by Zunba)