

Announcement 20150118

        The holy test held by the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters has already completed. Due to the huge number of people attending the written test, the workload of reviewing the answer sheets is very large. The answer sheets of the middle-level holy and virtuous ones need to be reviewed by the great holy gurus, and the answer sheets of the regular masters are reviewed by the mid- and lower-level holy and virtuous ones. All answer sheets are then collected and final-reviewed by the great holy gurus. The process is tedious and serious and cannot be completed in a short time. Additionally, there are many who had registered for the test but dared not to come and take the test. As a result, the entire progress of the test was delayed.

        Therefore, the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters give a special announcement to all Buddhist disciples: The holy level certificates and the robe wear bearing the levels that correspond to the individual candidate’s test result, which were originally planned to be given out at the end of 2015, are now to be announced and given at a later time. According to the current schedule, all the tests may not end until next year.

        Here, we want to clearly tell all the candidates taking the test that this test is composed of two major parts: the written test and the holy test. The first step is to take the written test for one’s qualification to be validated to enter. But some people will not be informed that they are qualified this time. The reason is the written test has a total of 100 points, but some people’s scores are so bad as only in the teens or under 10. Therefore, those who didn’t score more than 20 points will not partake in the qualification validation in this year or next year. We wish them to strive in respectfully listening to the Dharma Voice of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and studying the sutras in-depth, so that they can retake the test in the next time.

        According to the test results this time, it is completely proven that if the rinpoches or dharma masters were to teach Buddha Dharma, then they would absolutely mislead people. Because up to now, there has not been one dharma king, rinpoche, or dharma master who scored over 60 points in the test, no matter which sect they are from. Therefore, not agreeing or approving anyone who is below Gold Button Level 3 to teach Buddha Dharma is 100% correct!

        Additionally, we remind those who had registered for the test but so far have not yet taken the test to report to the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters as soon as possible to take your own written test. If you do not take the test past the deadline, not only you will automatically lose your qualification for taking the test, it also says you do not have the knowledge and the deeds required for being a master in yourself. It also says you don’t understand Buddha Dharma at all. One can thus tell that such kind of people can only fabricate materials with non-Buddhist words and deeds to teach people, which is an act of deceit. People must not rely on such people, otherwise, they will fall prey to liars and evildoers.

        Most importantly, we need to give a supplemental explanation about Blue Button Level 3 today. Because of the established test rules, a master who has got Blue Button Level 3 is not tested on the whole which includes their learning and knowledge, their keeping of the practice, and their powers. Instead, they are independently tested on the most prominent or outstanding item they have. For example, some people are tested on the item of keeping of their practice and ethics, some on Sutra Teachings and the Study of Sastras, some on Dharma Powers and Realization Capabilities, and some on Correct Views and Understanding. There are even more granular items under the major categories that can be tested singularly. That is why some people take the test for Blue Button Level 3 on the practice of a complete Yidam Dharma, and some people take the test for Blue Button Level 3 on setting up Dharma listening centers, some take the test for Blue Button Level 3 on the good deeds they have done, and some take the test for Blue Button Level 3 on the austere practices they have vowed to take. At any rate, Blue Button Level 3 is not awarded to a Buddhist disciple based on testing their overall conditions.

        Therefore, it happens that some people passed for Blue Button Level 3 and got the level of Runde by taking the test on just one item, and others passed for Blue Button Level 3 and obtained the level of Runde by taking the test on two items. Although they both are Runde, there is in fact a difference. That is why we must add the little Black Buttons to the Blue Button Level 3 on the robe wear to differentiate them.

        If only one item is tested to get Blue Button Level 3, then there are only three Blue Buttons and no Black Button. If two items are independently tested and Blue Button Level 3 is reached in both tests, then a Black Button is added. If three items are independently tested and Blue Button Level 3 is reached in all the tests, then 2 Black Buttons are added. For those who register to have four items tested for Blue Button Level 3, they can directly register to take the test for Gold Button Level 1. Of course, a Runde who got Blue Button Level 3 on just one single item is also qualified to directly be tested for Gold Button Level 1 on the spot. Additionally, if one has the confidence and thinks they are the true incarnation of an Arahat or Bodhisattva, they can directly go to the Vajra Array test to get Gold Button. It is just that the risk is very high. In case of failure, they will not even be able to get the level of Xinde, which is Blue Button Level 1. For those who can pass the test for Gold Button Levels 1 or 2, it has been decided that they can directly wear Gold Buttons on their robe without needing to wear Blue Buttons. A Gold Button Holy Guru Certificate will be issued as well. Unless they regress back to the Blue Button level, they do need to wear Blue Buttons.

United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters
December 21, 2015

(translation by Zunba)