

My Master Is Dorje Chang Buddha, the Buddha Vajradhara

Reposted from “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Treasure Bookp.156-157

        My Master is His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata. Dorje Chang Buddha is the Master of the Five Buddhas and Vajrasattva. One can see from this just how unsurpassed the status of my Master is.

        In my heart, my Master is a great holy being who is indescribably magnificent. However, there was a thin cloud of suspicion in my mind that prevented me from accepting one hundred percent that the true identity of my Master is Dorje Chang Buddha. One day when I was still unable to overcome this thin layer of doubt, a rinpoche asked, “Do all of you know that over the past few thousand years Buddhas have incarnated into this world?” Actually, I did not need to think about how to answer this question. Since Buddhas are compassionate toward living beings, Buddhas of course will incarnate into this world to save living beings. I am sure of this! That Rinpoche then said, “All of you should carefully ponder something. Do you know of any dharma king or eminent monastic in history who possessed the high level of proficiency in exoteric and esoteric Buddhism and the high level of mastery of the Five Vidyas attained by His Holiness Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata? With all of the amazing abilities of His Holiness, if His Holiness is not the incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, can other so-called dharma kings and eminent monastics with ordinary manifestations of realization still be called incarnations of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas? To still call them Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in such case would undoubtedly be deceitful.”

        This line of questioning by the Rinpoche struck me like a thunderbolt. It expressed what the actual truth is. If one’s realization is so high that it is unprecedented, yet one is still not the incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, then those with poor realization and no abilities are not qualified to be incarnations of a Buddha. That thin layer of doubt over my mind was finally ripped apart!

        There was an occasion when H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu practiced the dharma for us. His Holiness held a vajra in His hand. Upon seeing this, I immediately thought that the vajra held by Dorje Chang Buddha represents the power of wisdom and the use of skillful means and awe-inspiring might based upon supernatural abilities. I wanted so very much to hold that vajra for a moment! The Buddha Master then lifted that vajra high and empowered (blessed) us. I experienced a very wonderful feeling. I thought that I would be so lucky if I could touch that vajra of the Buddha. I was ultimately unable to suppress this wish of mine and asked, “Buddha Master, would you allow me to hold this vajra for a moment?” The Buddha Master said, “If any of you want to hold it, then go ahead and hold it!”

        Upon hearing this, everyone rushed forward. However, they had no idea that such a small vajra placed on a white silk scarf had limitless powers and was as steady and firm as a mountain. No ordinary person could possibly subdue it. Everyone who tried contorted their face as they attempted to lift it with all their might, but they were unsuccessful. A rinpoche finally was able to lift it less than one foot high. When the vajra returned to its original position, he could not lift it again.

        That vajra even emitted strong samadhi powers. Nobody had any way to lift it. When it was my turn, I grabbed it with one hand but was not able to move it. Moreover, it produced a strong force that shot directly into my heart. This almost caused my internal organs to explode. But I was not about to give up this opportunity. I pressed down upon the vajra with one hand. I then felt that everything was spinning around me and that my internal organs were burning. In an instant, all of my desire related to killing, stealing, lust, lying, greed, hatred, ignorance, and craving vanished without a trace. My heavens! I finally realized that the magnificent Dorje Chang Buddha descended into this world and incarnated as H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata. As a result of the awesome force of that empowerment (blessing), a deep impression of the vajra remained on my right hand, disappearing only after about two months.

        When I followed Master Shantaraksita in my first incarnation as Muya Jiongzha, I always hoped to see Dorje Chang Buddha one day. Today my wish was finally fulfilled. In this lifetime, I will definitely take advantage of this opportunity by striving to realize the state of a great Bodhisattva and by striving to benefit all living beings in the six realms of reincarnation within the three spheres. What I have stated above is true. Since it is true, may I become a holy being and reach the stage of a Bodhisattva in this lifetime. If any of what I stated is not true, I am willing to receive all karmic retribution for my lying and descend into hell. There is something I would like to tell everyone: I am most fortunate because now I am not Muya Jiongzha I.

        Homage to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata!

I prostrate four times.
Buddhist disciple, Uygen Danzeng Queji Nima

(This is a complete translation of the Chinese text that follows originally written and signed by Uygen Danzeng Queji Nima.)