

Announcement 20160112: Only the holy test can turn up the truth

        There are many busybodies in the Buddhist field who like to brag and say that certain masters are holy and virtuous beings. At the same time, they also want to say by naming names that certain other masters are not good people. From ancient times till the present time, gossip and bickering have never stopped for one second in the world of living beings. One will always be criticized in two ways, no matter if one is a kind person or not. Some will call them good, and others will call them bad. Such too is the case for holy people and swindlers. A cheater, no matter how bad they are, is always praised by someone to be quite good; and a sacred person, no matter how good they are, is still slandered by someone to be wrong, although there are people who praise them as a holy person as well. People respectively hold opposing arguments, and it is hard to tell if they are true or not. The different factions cause all this bickering, each having a separate point of view of their own. Who is good, and who is bad? It can by no means be seen precisely by ordinary people. That is why there are kings vs. bandits, holy people vs. ordinary people. In seeing this, and to help Buddhist cultivators find true good masters, this Headquarters has carried out the written test and the holy test that are 100% precise.

        According to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III: “A master must go through the test on Sutra, Vinaya, and Sastra.” Therefore, this Headquarters set up the one-hundred-problem written test on Sutra, Vinaya, and Sastra. On the other hand, only Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the space can measure definitively how great a master’s accomplishment is and determine whether the master is evil or correct. The holy test is therefore set up, which is presided over by Wangzha Shangzun, who is assisted by Mozhi Jiaozun, Dharma King Gar Tongstan, and Kaichu Ruzun. In the holy test, the seven masters and the ten holy and virtuous witnesses first practice a Dharma and then give the Holy Divination of Manjushri Bodhisattva to the test candidate, who then draws the divination by themselves privately. The test candidate then enters the Eight-wind Array and shows the dharma power they have got from their practice to penetrate the boundary to enter the Auspicious Region, i.e., the Safety Zone. The final result of the level they have achieved, the type and the number of buttons they have earned from defeating the array by their own might, is one hundred percent in agreement with the level they previously obtained in the divination which they made by themselves.

        Over 200 people have taken the holy test by now, but none has had any discrepancy between the result from the array and the divination that they made by themselves. Every one of them got precisely the same level from the holy test as what the divination had revealed. They have all been convinced wholeheartedly. That is why this Headquarters says that only Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can definitively confirm whether one is evil or correct, good or bad. The gossip and bickering by ordinary people cannot be relied on, because ordinary people cannot accurately tell real from false.

        For example, thirty years ago, people in Taiwan all said Chiang Kai-Shek was a good man because he let people there live very happy lives. Mainland China was no good because people there were living in extreme poverty and misery. But people in mainland China said Taiwanese people had nothing to eat or wear; they even airdropped food in Quemoy Island (translator’s note: an island off mainland but ruled by Taiwan) for charity. Exactly which one was telling the truth?

        For another example, Dharma Master Kuiji, Master Marpa, and Master Mileripa were all once criticized for their behaviors. But what happened in the end? They all turned out to be great holy beings! Therefore if we want to watch the level of accomplishment of a master and to see whether the master is correct or evil, good or bad, then we must check the attire they wear that bears the buttons which they obtained from taking the Holy Test. We must also examine them against the 128 Evil and Erroneous Views imparted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. There is no other way. People’s worldly hearsays are not believable because ordinary people cannot examine inner qualities.

United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters
October 18, 2016

(translated by Zunba)